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786 results found


Chorioamnionitis refers to infection of the chorion and amnion during pregnancy. Epidemiology Chorioamnionitis affects an estimated 2-4% of term deliveries and 40-70% of preterm deliveries 1. Clinical presentation Clinically, chorioamnionitis can present with the following maternal signs and...

Asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (AVID)

Asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst, and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (AVID) is a triad of congenital cerebral anomalies. Radiographic features markedly asymmetric enlargement of the lateral ventricles may be the initial finding on routine fetal morphology ultrasound. inte...

Pregnancy with intrauterine contraceptive device

Pregnancy with intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is uncommon and an IUCD is a highly effective contraception method. Chances of pregnancy to occur is highest during the first year of IUCD usage and there are chances of adverse outcomes during pregnancy. Terminology The preferred abbrevi...

Fallopian tube

The fallopian tube (TA: tuba uterina 8), also known as the uterine tube or, less commonly, the oviduct, is a paired hollow tube that bridges the ovary and uterus and functions to convey the mature ovum from the former to the latter. If conception occurs, it usually does so within the tube, which...

Conotruncal cardiac anomalies

Conotruncal heart defects are a group of congenital cardiovascular anomalies involving the outflow tracts and great vessels. They are a leading cause of symptomatic cyanotic cardiac disease diagnosed in utero. Epidemiology They may account for up to a fifth of all congenital cardiac anomalies ...

Fetal adrenal hemorrhage

Fetal adrenal hemorrhage is an uncommon occurrence and must be differentiated from other lesions especially neuroblastoma. Pathology The exact cause of adrenal bleeding in utero is not well known at the time of writing. It has been associated with birth trauma (breech birth), perinatal asphyxi...


Cephalohematomas are traumatic subperiosteal hematomas of the skull that are usually caused by birth injury. They are bound between the periosteum and cranium, and therefore cannot cross sutures. Being bound by a suture line distinguishes them from subgaleal hematoma, which can cross sutures. E...

Uterine inversion

Uterine inversion is a rare condition in which the uterus is essentially turned inside out. There are two types: "puerperal" (within six weeks of childbirth) and "non-puerperal". The reason for uterine inversion is unclear. In the puerperal form, it is theorized that excessive traction on the um...

Pentalogy of Cantrell

The pentalogy of Cantrell is an extremely rare phenomenon with an incidence estimated at around 6 per million live births 3.  It encompasses the following 5 main features 1. omphalocele ectopia cordis (abnormal location of heart) diaphragmatic defect pericardial defect or sternal cleft car...

Increased fetal abdominal circumference

Increased fetal abdominal circumference is usually given when the abdominal circumference lies above the 90th percentile. During the second and especially the third trimester, an increased abdominal circumference usually contributes to a high estimated fetal weight (large for dates fetus), which...

Congenital renal anomalies

Congenital renal anomalies comprise of vast spectrum of pathologies and include: renal agenesis renal dysgenesis congenital renal hypoplasia congenital megacalyectasis congenital cystic renal disease infantile polycystic renal disease: autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD):...

Lambda sign (disambiguation)

There are two described lambda (λ) signs: lambda sign (twin pregnancy) lambda sign (sarcoidosis)

Tubal ectopic pregnancy

Tubal ectopic pregnancy, also known as adnexal ectopic pregnancy, is the most common location of an ectopic pregnancy. Epidemiology It is the most common type of ectopic by far, accounting for 93-97% of cases. Pathology Although the fallopian tube has many anatomical parts, for the purposes ...

Meconium pseudocyst

Meconium pseudocyst formation is a complication that can occur with meconium peritonitis. Pathology It occurs when the extruded meconium becomes walled off within the peritoneal space. Radiographic features Plain radiograph May be seen as a rim calcified mass within the abdomen. Antenatal ...

Ventricular septal defect

Ventricular septal defects (VSD) represent a hole or pathway in the interventricular septum that allows for communication between the right and left ventricles. It typically results in a left-to-right shunt. Epidemiology They represent one of the most common congenital cardiac anomalies and ma...

Sacrococcygeal teratoma

Sacrococcygeal teratoma refers to a teratoma arising in the sacrococcygeal region. The coccyx is almost always involved 6. Epidemiology It is the most common congenital tumor in fetus 11 and neonate 3. The incidence is estimated at ~1:35,000-40,000. There is a recognized female predilection wi...

Fetal pericardial effusion

Fetal pericardial effusions occur when there is an accumulation of pericardial fluid in utero. In order to be considered abnormal, it is generally accepted that the pericardial fluid thickness should be >2 mm ref. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is at ~ 2% of pregnancies 8. Pathology As...

Fetal cardiomegaly

Fetal cardiomegaly (FC) refers to an enlarged fetal heart. It is variably defined with some sources stating the cut-off as a fetal cardio-thoracic circumference above two standard deviations 7.  Pathology It can arise from a number of situations: congenital cardiac anomalies: particularly tr...

Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome, also known as 45XO or 45X, is the most common of the sex chromosome abnormalities in females.  Epidemiology The incidence is estimated at 1:2000-5000 of live births, although the in utero rate is much higher (1-2% of conceptions) due to a significant proportion of affected fet...

Frog eye sign

The frog eye sign is seen when the orbital structures show a characteristic protrusion due to fetal anencephaly. The term is particularly used in point of care ultrasound (POCUS) 1.  Radiographic features On obstetric ultrasound the frog eye sign is best appreciated in the coronal plane (in re...

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