FIGO classification system for uterine leiomyoma

Last revised by Mostafa Elfeky on 1 Feb 2023

The FIGO classification system for uterine leiomyoma (fibroids) classifies uterine leiomyomas based on location.


This classification system was developed for clinical and research purposes 2, however, in clinical use, there is significant variation in agreement 3.


Submucosal group
  • type 0: pedunculated intracavitary

  • type 1: <50% intramural

  • type 2: ≥50% intramural

Other group
  • type 3: 100% intramural; contacts endometrium

  • type 4: intramural

  • type 5: subserosal ≥50% intramural

  • type 6: subserosal <50% intramural

  • type 7: subserosal pedunculated

  • type 8: other, e.g. cervical, parasitic

Hybrid leiomyoma group
  • leiomyomas that impact both the endometrium and serosa

  • two numbers listed separately separated by a hyphen with the first number indicating the endometrial relationship and the second number the serosal relationship

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