PSA velocity

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 27 May 2024

The PSA velocity (PSAV) is a statistically derived measure of how prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels change over time and has been used as a marker of how prostate cancer progresses or regresses. 

Calculating PSA velocity, or similar measures of PSA kinetics, is fraught with difficulty and many different ways of calculating this parameter have been used. PSA velocity is measured in ng/mL/year 1-3

PSA velocity is not recommended as a sole indication for further evaluation in prostate cancer screening 6.

A PSA velocity >0.27 ng/mL/year may indicate the presence a clinically significant prostate cancer in patients with a negative biopsy 5.

The concept of calculating PSA kinetics was introduced in a paper by H Carter et al in 1992, although the term PSA velocity was introduced later 4.

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