Subchorionic hemorrhage

Case contributed by Rania Adel Anan
Diagnosis certain


First trimester bleeding. Gestational age by LMP is 12 weeks.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Gravid uterus with single living fetus of about 12 weeks gestation having normal heart beats (160 b/min).

A well defined crescent-shaped hypoechoic fluid collection is seen extending between the posterior uterine wall and the chorionic membrane, crossing the internal os and reaching the lower placental margin ... Consistent with chronic subchorionic hemorrhage.

Case Discussion

Subchorionic hemorrhage occurs when there is perigestational hemorrhage and blood collects between the uterine wall and the chorionic membrane in pregnancy. It is a frequent cause of first and second trimester bleeding.

General imaging differential considerations include:

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