Accessory navicular

Case contributed by Mohammad Osama Hussein Yonso
Diagnosis certain


History of injury to the left foot due to a fall and twist today. Examination: No open wound. Left foot swelling and tenderness at the location of the 5th metatarsal and lateral tarsal bones.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male
  • alignment is normal

  • no clear fracture or acute joint abnormality

  • incidental accessory navicular bone and os subfibulare are noted

annotated zoomed view


  • no acute displaced fracture or joint abnormality

  • incidental accessory navicular bone and os subfibulare are noted

Case Discussion

The patient was admitted to the ER department for foot trauma. Incidentally, accessory navicular type II and os subfibulare are noted.

The types of os naviculare:

  • type 1 <7mm

  • type 2 >7mm

  • type 3 cornuate process

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