Acute appendicitis

Case contributed by Jack Ren
Diagnosis certain


Right lower quadrant pain.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male

The appendix is markedly enlarged, with thick enhancing wall and surrounding stranding. 

The patient went on to have a appendectomy. 



An appendix measuring 95 mm in length x 32 mm in diameter at the fundus. There is attached fat surrounding the appendix. The surface of the appendix and adjacent fat is covered in cream colored exudate. Section of the tip of the appendix reveals a communication between the lumen of the appendix within surronding fat. However no discrete lesion identified. No fecolith within the lumen


The appendix lumen contains pus. There is an intense transmural acute inflammatory cell infiltrate, with a thick fibrinopurulent exudate on the free serosal surface. There is also focal rupture into the mesoappendix with abscess formation. No malignancy is identified


Appendix - acute suppurative appendicitis with abscess formation confirmed.

Case Discussion

This patient had a strikingly enlarged and thickened appendix, so much so that it looks similar to adjacent small bowel. 

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