Deltoid ligament injury

Case contributed by Bahman Rasuli
Diagnosis probable


Severe ankle pain two weeks following an inversion injury of the ankle.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female

Edema and thickening of the deep deltoid ligament fibers including anterior and posterior tibiotalar ligaments related to ATTL and PTTL sprain. The superficial components of the deltoid ligament complex including tibionavicular, tibiospring and tibiocalcaneal ligaments are intact.

Bone marrow edema also is seen at the medial talar dome and medial pole of the navicular bone.

Type II accessory navicular bone is present.

Mortise joint effusion is noted.

Case Discussion

Deltoid ligament complex injuries are common. Both radiographs and physical examination findings are unreliable in the detection of the deltoid ligament complex injuries. MRI helps diagnosis and assessment of acute deltoid ligament injuries and associated soft tissue and osseous injuries.

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