Foreign body (ankle)

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis certain


Penetrating injury to the anterior aspect of the left ankle by a metal fragment about 2 months previously. Local suturing was done without a radiograph. Complaining of anterior ankle pain while walking.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

There is a metal density focus in the soft tissues at the anterior aspect of the ankle. There is associated anterior ankle region soft tissue swelling. There is no fracture or dislocation.


There is an echogenic focus (foreign body) centered on the extensor hallucis longus myotendinous junction region. Its tendon is intact. The foreign body is lateral to skin scar.

Deep to skin scar, there is a complete tear of the tibialis anterior tendon. Proximal retracted torn end is at the level of the distal third shaft of the tibia. Distal torn end is at the level of the navicular bone in the midfoot. The gap between the two retracted tendon ends is ~90 mm.

Case Discussion

Findings of a metal foreign body in the anterior aspect of the left ankle with soft tissue injury as described.

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