Left atrial appendage aneurysm - congenital

Case contributed by Josiah J. Marasigan
Diagnosis certain


Easy fatigability, occasional palpitations, dyspnea for 2 years.

Patient Data

Age: 18 years
Gender: Female

Plain radiograph


The heart shows marked asymmetric enlargement, more on the left side.

No double density is appreciated and the carinal angle shows normal angulation (less than 90 degrees). On the lateral view, the left main stem bronchus is not displaced posteriorly. These findings make an enlarged left atrium and pericardial effusion, a less likely diagnosis.

Computed Tomography studies


Non-contrast CT scan of the chest in the axial plane shows a large non-calcified, soft tissue mass that is isodense to the heart, occupying the left hemithorax. This mass appears to be contiguous with the left atrial wall. Within is an ovoid structure of relatively lower density.

Intraoperative findings


Intraoperatively an aneurysmal left atrial appendage was seen measuring approximately 7 x 7 cm with a hardened thrombus measuring 5 x 4 cm. Resection of the aneurysm and primary closure was done.

Case Discussion

Key learning points:

  • left atrial appendage aneurysms are extremely rare with about 150 cases reported in literature 1

  • studies show that the most common finding in plain radiographs is a prominent left cardiac border, as is seen in this case 2

  • CT scan has a role in defining the anatomy of the lesion, investigating mass effects on surrounding structures and detecting alternative diagnoses 2

  • the aneurysm described in this case has features that satisfy the diagnostic criteria for congenital aneurysms of the left atrium, as follows:

    • the atrial cavity and the aneurysm must show clearly defined communication

    • the aneurysm must originate from a normal atrial chamber

    • the aneurysm should be intrapericardial in location with resultant compression and distortion of the left ventricle 3

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