Os supranaviculare - symptomatic

Case contributed by Andrei Dumitrescu
Diagnosis probable


Atraumatic pain at the dorsal midfoot with focal tenderness

Patient Data

Age: 12 years
Gender: Female

Small, edematous ossicle at the dorsal aspect of the proximal navicular bone, coinciding with the level of the marker capsule.

Case Discussion

This is an unfused accessory ossification center at an abnormal location on the dorsal aspect of the proximal navicular bone, equivalent to an os supranaviculare in an adult. It is unfused and edematous and most likely the cause of this patient's symptoms..

An os supranaviculare is present in about 1% of adult individuals. It should not be mistaken for an intraarticular fracture at the dorsal proximal aspect of the navicular. Some researchers have found an association with navicular stress fractures in adults.

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