Search results for “abdominal ct ”

87 results found

Testicular seminoma

Testicular seminomas are a type of germ cell tumor and the most common testicular tumor, accounting for ~45% of all primary testicular tumors. This article concerns only testicular seminomas; however, seminomas can arise outside of the testis, most often within the anterior mediastinum (see arti...


Urinothorax (plural: urinothoraces), also known as urothorax, is a rare cause of pleural effusion due to the accumulation of urine within the pleural space. Clinical presentation Patients present with varying degrees of respiratory distress depending on the amount of fluid that has accumulated...


Ascites (hydroperitoneum is a rare synonym) is defined as an abnormal amount of intraperitoneal fluid. Terminology Ascites (plural is the same word) tends to be reserved for relatively sizable amounts of peritoneal fluid. The amount has not been defined formally. It is noted physiologically, h...

Cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome is due to the effects of excessive glucocorticoids, which may be exogenous or endogenous. Terminology Cushing disease refers to glucocorticoid excess solely due to an adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma, while Cushing syndrome encompasses all etiologies of ...

Management of Incidental Adrenal Masses: American College of Radiology white paper

The Management of Incidental Adrenal Masses revised in 2017 by the Adrenal Subcommittee of the Incidental Findings Committee of the American College of Radiology is an algorithm for the management of patients who are: adults (≥18 years old) asymptomatic for adrenal pathology referred for imag...

Acute pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis (plural: acute pyelonephritides) is a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis and parenchyma most commonly seen in young women. It remains common and continues to have significant morbidity in certain groups of patients. Epidemiology The incidence of acute pyelonephritis p...

Renal transplant

Renal transplantation is one, if not the most, common transplant procedures undertaken worldwide. Consequently, purposeful and incidental imaging of renal transplants and renal transplant-related complications are increasingly common. These include acute renal transplant rejection and chronic re...

Abdominal radiography

Abdominal radiography can be useful in many settings. Before the advent of CT, it was a primary means of investigating gastrointestinal pathology and often allowed indirect evaluation of other abdominal viscera. Indications Although abdominal radiography has lower sensitivity and specificity t...

Abdominal tuberculosis

Abdominal tuberculosis can manifest in almost every abdominopelvic organ: gastrointestinal tuberculosis esophageal tuberculosis gastric tuberculosis duodenal tuberculosis jejunal and ileal tuberculosis ileocecal tuberculosis colorectal tuberculosis tuberculous peritonitis tubercular lym...

Adrenal gland trauma

Adrenal gland trauma most commonly results from blunt force trauma. Epidemiology Adrenal gland trauma is present on 1-2% of CT imaging in blunt trauma although the occurrence is thought to be much higher as injury has been demonstrated at 28% in one autopsy series 1-4.  The right adrenal glan...

Sarcoidosis (abdominal manifestations)

Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease of unknown origin characterized by the formation of non-caseating granulomas. Virtually any organ system may be involved. Although less common than pulmonary and mediastinal disease, abdominal sarcoidosis can mimic more common infectious or neoplast...

Ureteric calculi

Ureteric calculi or stones are those lying within the ureter, at any point from the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) to the vesicoureteric junction (VUJ). They are the classic cause of renal colic-type abdominal pain. They are a subtype of the broader pathology of urolithiasis. Epidemiology The li...

Intrathoracic kidney

An intrathoracic kidney is a very rare form of ectopic kidney. There has been no reported increased incidence of stones or infections as can be seen with other forms of ectopic kidneys. The adrenal glands are usually normal in location in most cases. Epidemiology Thoracic ectopic kidney is rar...

Testicular dislocation

Testicular dislocation is a rare condition in which a testis is dislocated from its normal position within the scrotum to another location, most commonly the superficial inguinal pouch. Epidemiology The condition mainly occurs in younger men with a mean age of 25 years 2. Clinical presentatio...

Testicular cancer (staging)

The staging for testicular tumors is performed according to the TNM system with staging groupings. It can be remembered in its abbreviated form as:  stage I: confined to testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotum stage II: lymph nodes involved but no distant metastases and serum tumor markers...

Renal lymphoma

Renal lymphoma is usually a part component of multi-systemic lymphoma. Primary renal lymphoma is defined as lymphoma involving the kidney exclusively without any manifestation of extra-renal lymphatic disease 3-5. Typical imaging findings are multiple bilateral hypodense or infiltrative renal ma...

Renal artery calcification

Renal artery calcifications, also known as renovascular calcifications, are deposits of calcium salts on the wall of a renal artery, found incidentally on imaging, usually CT 1. They are associated with extrarenal atherosclerosis and linked to hypertension 2. Terminology The term “renal artery...

Ureteric injury

Ureteric injury is a relatively uncommon, but severe event, which may result in serious complications as a diagnosis is often delayed.  Clinical presentation Ureteric injuries unreliably demonstrate macro- or microscopic hematuria as it may be absent in up to 25% of patients 5, 6. Classic clin...

Retroperitoneal hemorrhage

Retroperitoneal hemorrhage can be a source of significant yet occult blood loss. Terminology Some articles conflate and/or confuse retroperitoneal hemorrhage and Wunderlich syndrome 5. However Wunderlich syndrome refers primarily to bleeding around the kidney, not the retroperitoneum in genera...

Horseshoe kidney

Horseshoe kidneys are the most common type of renal fusion anomaly. They render the kidneys susceptible to trauma and are an independent risk factor for the development of renal calculi and transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. Epidemiology Horseshoe kidneys are found in approximate...

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