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80 results found

Suspensory ligament of the ovary

The suspensory ligament of the ovary is a thin fold of the parietal peritoneum which attaches to the lateral margin of the ovary and extends to the lateral pelvic sidewall. It is also referred to as the infundibulopelvic ligament 1,2. It should not to be confused with the ovarian ligament which ...

Ovarian ligament

The ovarian ligament, ligament of the ovary, or utero-ovarian ligament is one of the supporting ligaments of the ovary and uterus within the female pelvis. It should not be confused with the suspensory ligament of the ovary, which is a separate structure that extends laterally from the ovary and...


The viscera (singular: viscus) refers to all the internal organs within the major cavities of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Therefore it does not include organs of the CNS, head and neck or musculoskeletal compartments nor does it encompass non-internal organs (e.g. the skin) 1. Splanchnology...

Labeled imaging anatomy cases

This article lists a series of labeled imaging anatomy cases by body region and modality. Brain CT head: non-contrast axial CT head: non-contrast coronal CT head: non-contrast sagittal CT head: non-contrast axial with clinical questions CT head: angiogram axial CT head: angiogram coronal ...

Ovarian follicle

An ovarian follicle (also known as a Graafian follicle in its mature state) is the basic unit of female reproductive biology and is composed of roughly spherical aggregations of cells and contains a single oocyte. Gross anatomy An ovarian follicle can be initiated to grow and develop, culminat...

Round ligament of the uterus

The round ligament is one of the supporting structures of the uterus. It has a function in uterine anteflexion. Embryology Together with the ligament of the ovary, it is one of the remnants of the gubernaculum in females. Gross anatomy The round ligament is a rope-like fibromuscular band tha...


The uterus is an extraperitoneal hollow, thick-walled, muscular organ of the female reproductive tract that lies in the lesser pelvis. Gross anatomy The uterus has an inverted pear shape. It measures about 7.5 cm in length, 5 cm wide at its upper part, and nearly 2.5 cm in thickness in adults....

Junctional zone (uterus)

Junctional zone is a region representing the inner myometrium of the uterus and is a very important imaging feature in pelvic MR imaging for the interpretation of various pathologies. In its intact state, it is usually visible on MRI as a low T2 signal layer beneath the endometrium. At times, it...

Müllerian duct

The Müllerian ducts (or paramesonephric ducts) are paired ducts of mesodermal origin in the embryo. They run laterally down the side of the urogenital ridge and terminate at the Müllerian eminence in the primitive urogenital sinus. In the female, they will develop to form the uterine tubes, ute...


The ovaries (TA: ovarium 9) are paired female gonads of the reproductive and endocrine systems. They lie within the ovarian fossa on the posterior wall of the true pelvis and form part of the adnexa.  Gross anatomy The ovaries are firm and ovoid in shape and measure approximately 1.5-3.0 cm × ...

Fallopian tube

The fallopian tube (TA: tuba uterina 8), also known as the uterine tube or, less commonly, the oviduct, is a paired hollow tube that bridges the ovary and uterus and functions to convey the mature ovum from the former to the latter. If conception occurs, it usually does so within the tube, which...

Bicornuate uterus

A bicornuate uterus is a type of uterine duplication anomaly. It can be classified as a class IV Mullerian duct anomaly. Epidemiology Overall, congenital uterine anomalies occur in ~1.5% of females (range 0.1-3%). Bicornuate uteri are thought to represent ~25% (range 10-39%) of Mullerian duct ...


The vagina is a midline fibromuscular tubular organ positioned in the female perineum extending superiorly from the vulva, to the cervix and uterus in the pelvis.  Gross anatomy The vagina is 6-8 cm in length, extending posterosuperior from the vestibule through the urogenital diaphragm to the...


The cervix or uterine cervix is the lower constricted segment of the uterus providing the passage between the uterus proper and the vagina.  Gross anatomy The cervix is somewhat conical in shape, with its truncated apex directed posteriorly and inferiorly. The inferior aspect of the cervix pro...

Retroverted uterus

A retroverted uterus is a normal variation of female pelvic anatomy in which the body of the uterus is tilted backwards (usually leans forward, i.e. anteverted) on itself to match the isthmus of the neck and lower uterine segment. There are variable grades of uterine retroversion. Epidemiology ...

Unicornuate uterus

A unicornuate uterus or unicornis unicollis is a type of Müllerian duct anomaly (class II). It is also known as a banana-shaped uterus6,7, because of the shape the single horn assumes, and it usually drains into a single fallopian tube. Epidemiology This type can account for ~10% (range 6-13%)...


The clitoris (plural: clitorides), the female homologue of the penis, and part of the female reproductive system, is situated at the anterior aspect of the labia minora. The clitoris, like the penis, is formed of a body and glans, formed respectively from the crura of the clitoris and the bulbs ...

Pubococcygeal line

The pubococcygeal line (PCL) is a reference line for the pelvic floor on imaging studies and helps detect and grade pelvic floor prolapse in defecography studies. It is defined as a line that connects the inferior border of the symphysis pubis (anterior margin) to the final coccygeal joint (post...

H and M lines (pelvic floor)

The H and M lines are reference lines for the pelvic floor on imaging studies and help detect and grade pelvic floor prolapse on defecography studies. The H line is drawn from the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis to the posterior aspect of the anorectal junction, and represents the diamet...

Urogenital diaphragm

The urogenital diaphragm is a historical term describing a structure or structures in the perineum. The term is still in frequent use despite not appearing in Terminologia Anatomica. Most descriptions of the diaphragm relate to a discoid space between the superficial and deep fasciae of the per...

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