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68 results found

Intraconal orbital lesions

Intraconal orbital lesions are broadly divided into two main groups; those with or without involvement of the optic nerves. Lesions with optic nerve involvement: optic nerve glioma optic nerve meningioma optic neuritis pseudotumor lymphoma and leukemia intracranial hypertension retinobla...

Leave alone lesions - skull base

Leave alone lesions of the skull base refers to incidental findings that do not require treatment nor follow-up. This article includes findings from brain CT, HRCT of the temporal bone, and MRI studies. Do not touch: arrested pneumatization of the skull base - sphenoid benign fatty lesion 1 ...

Mandibular lesions

Mandibular lesions are myriad and common. The presence of teeth results in lesions that are specific to the mandible (and maxilla) and a useful classification that defines them as odontogenic or non-odontogenic. While it may often not be possible to make a diagnosis on imaging alone, this classi...

Heterogeneous thyroid echotexture

Heterogeneous echogenicity of the thyroid gland is a non-specific finding and is associated with conditions diffusely affecting the thyroid gland. These include: Hashimoto thyroiditis Graves disease The presence of heterogenous thyroid echogenicity may reduce sensitivity of detection of thyro...

Leave alone lesions - maxillodental

Maxillodental leave alone lesions are usually incidental findings that do not require treatment nor follow-up if the patient is asymptomatic. This article includes findings from orthopantomogram, cone-beam CT, and sinus CT studies. Do not touch: benign lesions tooth ankylosis hypercementosi...

Orbital mass

An orbital mass carries a wide differential. Differential diagnosis tumors lymphoma metastasis lacrimal gland or duct tumors rhabdomyosarcoma of the orbit retinoblastoma optic nerve meningioma optic nerve glioma schwannoma (of trigeminal or other cranial nerves except optic) neurofibr...

Parotid gland enlargement

Parotid gland enlargement (also known as parotidomegaly) has a wide differential given the significant breadth of pathology that can affect the parotid gland. These can be separated by a standard surgical sieve approach into infective, inflammatory, immune, neoplastic, infiltrative, and congenit...

Obstruction of nasolacrimal drainage apparatus

Obstruction of nasolacrimal drainage apparatus results in epiphora and can be primary or secondary, congenital or acquired. Obstruction can occur at canalicular, lacrimal saccular, or nasolacrimal ductal (post-saccular) levels. Causes of obstruction Congenital obstruction persistence of the m...

Periapical radiolucency (teeth)

Periapical radiolucencies are commonly observed findings on OPG and other dental/head and neck imaging modalities. Differential diagnosis They can represent a number of pathologies: periapical lucency related to apical periodontitis periapical granuloma periapical abscess periapical cyst ...

Focal calvarial thinning

Focal calvarial thinning can result from a number of causes. They include: bilateral thinning of the parietal bones (normal variant) most common arachnoid cyst mega cisterna magna peripherally located tumors (e.g. oligodendroglioma) See also calvarial thinning calvarial thickening

Leave alone lesions - paranasal sinuses

Leave alone lesions are findings that are usually discovered incidentally and do not require any specific treatment or follow-up if the patient is asymptomatic. This article includes findings from paranasal sinus CT and MRI studies. physiological process nasal cycle anatomical variants conc...

Temporomandibular joint effusion

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) effusions are unusual in asymptomatic patients, and thus should trigger a careful search for underlying pathology. It usually precedes osteoarthritis of the TMJ. Effusions are seen in: TMJ dysfunction septic arthritis rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Radiographic featu...

Congenital calvarial defects

Congenital calvarial defects are a group of disorders characterized by congenital calvarial bone defects that vary in severity. Radiographic features CT with 3D shaded surface reformats is the best imaging tool as it demonstrates calvarial defects and bone margins: parietal foramina parietal...

Hyperattenuating paranasal sinus opacification

Hyperattenuating paranasal sinus opacification can arise in a number of situations: fungal sinus disease inspissated secretions acute hemorrhage into sinus (hemosinus) Differential diagnosis In some situations can consider early calcification within the sinus - intrasinus calcification.

Differential diagnosis for calcified masses in the mandible

Differential diagnosis for calcified masses in the mandible includes: calcifying odontogenic cyst (Gorlin cyst) calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (Pindborg tumor) fibrous dysplasia foreign body odontoma cemento-ossifying fibroma osteoma synovial osteochondromatosis focal sclerosi...

Orbital vascular lesions

Orbital vascular lesions may be difficult to distinguish on imaging. However, the following conditions have been described: arteriovenous malformation (AVM) capillary hemangioma cavernous hemangioma orbital lymphangioma / lymphangiovenous malformation / venolymphatic malformation orbital ve...

Developmental orbital cysts

Developmental orbital cysts correspond to a heterogeneous group of congenital orbital developmental anomalies with a cystic component, ranging from closed sacs lined by an ectodermal epithelium, such as epidermoid and dermoid, to neoplasms such as teratoma 1: choristoma: benign tumors formed by...

Middle ear tumors

There are a range of middle ear tumors, which are more likely to be benign than malignant.  Pathology The three most common middle ear tumors are (not in any particular order as there are differences in the literature) 1-3:  tympanic paraganglioma congenital cholesteatoma middle ear schwann...


Hypotelorism refers to an abnormal decrease in distance between any two organs although some authors use the term synonymously with orbital hypotelorism meaning an abnormal decrease in the distance between the two eyes (the eyes appear too close together). The article mainly focuses on the latte...

Lacrimal sac mass

Lacrimal sac masses are very uncommon and more commonly have a malignant (~80%) rather than benign (~20%) etiology.  Pathology Etiology inflammatory granulomatosis with polyangiitis sarcoidosis orbital pseudotumor IgG4-related disease Sjogren syndrome neoplastic epithelial tumors beni...

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