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86 results found

Flame sign (carotid)

The flame sign refers to a gradual tapering of contrast opacification in the mid-cervical internal carotid artery, sparing the carotid bulb. The sign can be observed on angiography (digital subtraction angiography 1, CT angiography 1, or contrast-enhanced MR angiography 2) in either of two scena...

Mickey Mouse sign (disambiguation)

In medical imaging, a Mickey Mouse sign or appearance has been given to imaging features that mimic Mickey Mouse when viewed from the front. It has been described in the following: anencephaly 2 progressive supranuclear palsy 1 synonymously with a finger in glove sign the flared shape of the...

Contrast level within inferior vena cava

A dependent contrast level within the inferior vena cava is a situation that can be observed in some cases with inferior vena caval contrast reflux. Its presence is usually associated with very poor cardiac output and can be accompanied by dependent layering of venous refluxed contrast within th...

Inferior vena caval contrast reflux

Reflux of contrast into inferior vena cava can be common findings seen on CT. It is considered a specific but insensitive sign of right-sided heart disease / right heart dysfunction at low contrast injection rates although the usefulness decreases with high injection rates. Conditions associate...

Kissing carotids

The term kissing carotids refers to tortuous and elongated carotid arteries which touch in the midline. They can be found in:  retropharynx 2 intrasphenoid 1 within the pituitary fossa within sphenoid sinuses within sphenoid bones The significance of kissing carotids is two-fold: may mimi...

Pretzel sign (serpentine aneurysm)

The pretzel sign is seen on DSA and is indicative of a serpentine aneurysm 1. The sign refers to the sinusoid configuration of the intra-aneurysmal vascular channel seen in serpentine aneurysms, giving it the appearance of a pretzel.

Egyptian eye sign

"Egyptian eye sign" or "sonographic eye sign" refers to the normal appearance of great saphenous vein on ultrasound, in transverse view 1,2. Ultrasound examination of the great saphenous vein shows echogenic fascia surrounding it, with the saphenous fascia superiorly and the muscular fascia inf...

Yin-yang sign (vascular)

The yin-yang sign, also known as the Pepsi sign, is a radiological sign described in both true and false aneurysms on various imaging modalities. Radiographic features Ultrasound On Doppler ultrasound, the yin-yang sign indicates bidirectional flow due to the swirling of blood within the true...

Teardrop sign (superior mesenteric vein)

The teardrop sign of the superior mesenteric vein is one of the important signs in the local staging of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Its importance lies in its diagnostic, as well as prognostic, significance. This sign is used in assessing the resectability of pancreatic cancer. Radiographic feat...

Flashlight sign (B-flow)

The flashlight sign is a B-flow vascular ultrasound sign caused by wall adherent and floating thrombi and emboli in arteries, which appear as bright spots on imaging. Radiographic features Ultrasound The flashlight sign is described as a moving, very bright intraluminal focus of signal on B-f...

Crescent sign of arterial dissection

The crescent sign refers to the high signal crescent seen in the wall of a vessel when dissected. This may be seen both on T1 or T2 sequences depending on the age of the blood (see aging blood on MRI). It is classically referred to in internal carotid artery dissection. It should not be confuse...

Tulip bulb sign

The tulip bulb sign refers to the characteristic appearance of annuloaortic ectasia as seen on CT angiography. There is symmetric dilatation of the three sinuses of Valsalva, with extension into the ascending aorta and effacement of the sinotubular junction.  It is seen especially in Marfan sy...

Double density sign (berry aneurysm)

Double density sign of berry aneurysms refers to the angiographic appearance of a small intracranial aneurysm projecting in front or behind a vessel of similar caliber. As such, the border of the aneurysm cannot easily be seen, but the extra contrast within it can be seen as a rounded area of in...

Unfolded aorta

The term unfolded aorta refers to the widened and decreased curvature of the aortic arch on a frontal chest radiograph giving an ‘opened up’ appearance. It is one of the more common causes of apparent mediastinal widening and is seen with increasing age, usually associated with aortic calcificat...

Floating viscera sign

The floating viscera sign is an angiographic sign that occurs when there is visualization of branches of the abdominal aorta (e.g. celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries) during aortography with little or no visualization of the aortic lumen. The floating viscera sign indic...

Pseudovein sign (bowel)

The pseudovein sign can occur with active gastrointestinal bleeding where contrast extravasation during angiography may have a curvilinear appearance as it pools in the gastric rugae or mucosal folds of bowel, mimicking the appearance of a vein. However, contrast in the “pseudovein” persists bey...

String sign (disambiguation)

The string sign may refer to: angiographic string sign gastrointestinal string sign string sign of parosteal osteosarcoma myositis ossificans string sign

Temporal tap maneuver

Temporal tap maneuver consists in tapping over the ipsilateral superficial temporal artery while assessing the carotid bifurcation on Doppler ultrasound aiming to produce a reflected flow in the external carotid artery (ECA) and thus helping to distinguish which vessel is being assessed: externa...

Cobweb sign of arterial dissection

The cobweb sign is seen in cases of arterial dissection (usually aortic dissection) on CT angiogram (CTA) examinations and represents strands or ribbons of media crossing the false lumen, and appearing as thin filiform filling defects. Although it is a specific sign for the false lumen, it is i...

Capps triad

Capps triad refers to the constellation of clinical and imaging findings in patients with a spontaneous retropharyngeal hematoma, and consists of: tracheal and esophageal compression anterior displacement of the trachea subcutaneous bruising over the neck and anterior chest History and etymo...

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