3,046 results found

Question 142

In CT imaging a dilated appendix with a distended lumen can be indicative of appendicitis if the diameter is more than...


Question 144

The modality of choice when investigating appendicitis in young children is...


Question 24

Approximately what percentage of ectopic pregnancies have a normal beta-hCG doubling time?


Question 2931

In the accompanying image, the pubis bone is indicated by which letter?


Question 1486

A CT of the abdomen is acquired in someone who is pyrexial 3 days following a cholecystectomy. Which of the following features would make you more concerned about an abscess in the surgical bed rather than the presence of topical hemostatic material? 


Question 2507

Which of the following is NOT an ultrasound feature of polycystic ovarian morphology?


Question 21

The overall prevalence of ectopic pregnancy is 2%. In a patient with first trimester bleeding, however, the prevalence increases to


Question 1853

All the following are considered as the CT features of acute appendicitis EXCEPT...


Question 1706

Which of the following IUCD complications has occurred in this patient with a non-specific lower abdominal pain?


Question 2489

The most common cause of primary postpartum hemorrhage is...


Question 2484

A 46-year-old female undergoes MRI to characterize a 4 cm right adnexal lesion, which is homogeneously low signal on T1-weighted, T2-weighted and b1000 sequences. Following contrast administration, the lesion shows slow gradual enhancement. What is the correct ORADS-MRI score?


Question 2485

What is the correct ORADS-MRI score for the lesion shown in the images below?


Question 2358

Regarding uterine leiomyosarcomas, which is NOT true:


Question 2486

Which of the following statements regarding ORADS-MRI is true in a patient who has had a hysterectomy?


Question 2213

A 30-year-old woman presents with a 6-month history of dry cough and chest pain. Based on the lateral chest X-ray, what is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 531

Which of the following is correct regarding a normal antenatal Doppler ultrasound study?


Question 559

Which of the following histological features is characteristic of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)?


Question 543

Acute appendicitis is caused by luminal obstruction, most commonly due to...


Question 544

Where is the most common location of the tip of the appendix?


Question 546

Which of the following sonographic signs is NOT seen in acute appendicitis?

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