5,907 results found

Question 2012

Which of the following etiologies of splenic infarction is more common in younger patients?


Question 2019

What type of inflammatory enteritis often involves multiple vascular territories and the genitourinary system?


Question 2060

What is the most frequent indication for emergency non-obstetric surgery in pregnancy?


Question 2067

A 12-year-old boy with a history of intellectual disability comes to the emergency department because of headaches and more frequently occurring seizures. Brain imaging (CT scan and MRI) shows a heterogeneous intraventricular mass measuring about 18 mm near the foramen of Monro,  with internal calcifications and marked contrast enhancement. Subependymal nodules and cortical tubers are the other imaging findings. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2066

A 7-year-old boy with a history of intellectual disability and seizures comes to the emergency department because of headaches and more frequently occurring seizures. CT scan of the brain shows subependymal nodules with calcification, cortical foci with loss of the grey-white matter distinction, and a nodule partially obstructing the foramen Monro. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2091

A 20-year-old female presents with right flank pain and a high-grade fever. A selected image from a CTU is shown. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2094

All the following points may be the etiologies of a striated nephrogram on CTU EXCEPT...


Question 2106

A 5-month-old neonate was brought into the emergency department by his parents with complaints of vomiting, bloody stool, and periodical crying. An urgent ultrasound abdomen was performed. Transverse and longitudinal ultrasound images are provided. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2140

A 12-year-old boy presents with reduced visual acuity and during workup has an MRI. The right optic nerve is expanded all the way back to the chiasm which is also enlarged. Given the likely diagnosis, what is the most likely underlying condition?


Question 2475

This image is from day 1 of a colonic transit study, with ingestion of 20 markers. How many markers on the day 5 x-ray would indicate normal colonic transit?


Question 2149

What are the three phases which should be evaluated on all dynamic renal studies?


Question 2561

What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2624

What condition is associated with isolated gastric varices?


Question 2673

Which connective tissues disease is commonly associated with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) pattern on imaging?


Question 2683

Which technetium-99 labeled tracer is used for the detection of foci of splenic tissue?


Question 2394

You are scanning a 45-year-old man and when getting a long-axis view of the testicle, this is the image you produce. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1808

An 80-year-old woman known for a chronic bone disorder with markedly elevated serum alkaline phosphatase. What is the most likely chronic bone disease shown on her lateral skull radiograph?


Question 1832

A 40-year-old man with end-stage renal disease on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). which complication has occurred in this patient and shown on this selected enhanced CT image?


Question 2065

This is an MRI study of the abdomen and pelvis in a pregnant woman. On this axial gradient echo sequence image, what are the paired right retroperitoneal structures?


Question 1946

According to the Bosniak classification, which grade of renal cystic mass is shown on this selected enhanced axial CT image?

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