1,821 results found

Umbilical vein varix

Umbilical vein varix (UVV) refers to a focal dilatation of the umbilical vein. Epidemiology Associations UVVs were initially thought to have a high association with other anomalies which include: chromosomal anomalies: 5-12% with FIUVV 2,3 Down syndrome   underlying congenital cardiovascul...

Hydrops fetalis

Hydrops fetalis is excessive fluid into the third space in a fetus, which could be due to heart failure, volume overload, decreased oncotic pressure, or increased vascular permeability. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is ~1 in 2000 pregnancies 16 and ~1 in 1000 live births 17, although th...

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (antenatal ultrasound).

  Diagnosis certain
Imran Ahmad Khan
Published 26 Mar 2019
94% complete

Second-degree atrioventricular block (fetal echocardiography)

  Diagnosis probable
Bahman Rasuli
Published 26 Jan 2022
66% complete

Small bowel obstruction and pregnancy

  Diagnosis certain
Jeremy Jones
Published 01 May 2011
98% complete

Pulmonary hypoplasia

Pulmonary hypoplasia refers to underdevelopment of one or both lungs. This can be rapidly fatal at birth or mild, escaping detection for decades. It is most often secondary to congenital abnormalities that either restrict intrathoracic space or alter pulmonary fluid dynamics. Epidemiology Pulm...


Chorioamnionitis refers to infection of the chorion and amnion during pregnancy. Epidemiology Chorioamnionitis affects an estimated 2-4% of term deliveries and 40-70% of preterm deliveries 1. Clinical presentation Clinically, chorioamnionitis can present with the following maternal signs and...

Live ectopic pregnancy

  Diagnosis almost certain
Maulik S Patel
Published 11 Sep 2014
79% complete

Pregnancy with IUCD

  Diagnosis certain
Bahman Rasuli
Published 01 Feb 2022
91% complete

Asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (AVID)

Asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst, and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (AVID) is a triad of congenital cerebral anomalies. Radiographic features markedly asymmetric enlargement of the lateral ventricles may be the initial finding on routine fetal morphology ultrasound. inte...

Pregnancy with intrauterine contraceptive device

Pregnancy with intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is uncommon and an IUCD is a highly effective contraception method. Chances of pregnancy to occur is highest during the first year of IUCD usage and there are chances of adverse outcomes during pregnancy. Terminology The preferred abbrevi...

Spalding sign

  Diagnosis certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 20 Jan 2010
85% complete

Heterotopic pregnancy

  Diagnosis certain
Anna Khomenko
Published 24 Jan 2023
97% complete

Fallopian tube

The fallopian tube (TA: tuba uterina 8), also known as the uterine tube or, less commonly, the oviduct, is a paired hollow tube that bridges the ovary and uterus and functions to convey the mature ovum from the former to the latter. If conception occurs, it usually does so within the tube, which...

Fetal pericardial effusion

Fetal pericardial effusions occur when there is an accumulation of pericardial fluid in utero. In order to be considered abnormal, it is generally accepted that the pericardial fluid thickness should be >2 mm ref. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is at ~ 2% of pregnancies 8. Pathology As...


  Diagnosis almost certain
Maulik S Patel
Published 22 May 2013
57% complete

Fetal cardiomegaly

Fetal cardiomegaly (FC) refers to an enlarged fetal heart. It is variably defined with some sources stating the cut-off as a fetal cardio-thoracic circumference above two standard deviations 7.  Pathology It can arise from a number of situations: congenital cardiac anomalies: particularly tr...

Conotruncal cardiac anomalies

Conotruncal heart defects are a group of congenital cardiovascular anomalies involving the outflow tracts and great vessels. They are a leading cause of symptomatic cyanotic cardiac disease diagnosed in utero. Epidemiology They may account for up to a fifth of all congenital cardiac anomalies ...

Fetal adrenal hemorrhage

Fetal adrenal hemorrhage is an uncommon occurrence and must be differentiated from other lesions especially neuroblastoma. Pathology The exact cause of adrenal bleeding in utero is not well known at the time of writing. It has been associated with birth trauma (breech birth), perinatal asphyxi...

Hydatidiform mole

  Diagnosis almost certain
Chris Newman
Published 26 Apr 2022
79% complete

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