901 results found

Question 1067

Which patient has Langerhans cell histiocytosis? 


Question 1099

12-year-old with wrist pain. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1164

Which of the following is the most common cause of insufficiency fractures?


Question 36

What is the most common primary malignancy of the skeleton?


Question 1194

Axial CT image of the head in an 80 year old male. What is the most likely cause for this skull appearance? 


Question 1213

This 45-year-old woman presented with left proptosis and an MRI was performed. What is the most likely diagnosis? 


Question 1257

Axial HRCT image of the chest in a 60-year-old female non-smoker with shortness of breath and a dry cough for several years. Which is the most likely diagnosis? 


Question 1758

What is the name given to this radiographic view of the hands?


Question 2543

A young man with sickle cell anemia presented to the emergency department with a 2-day history of severe headache and head swelling. His neurological examinations, including fundoscopy and CSF analysis, were within normal limits. An MRI brain was performed. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1466

What causative agent is responsible for COVID-19? 


Question 2323

A 75-year-old woman presents with leg weakness. What is the best interpretation of the findings on this image from a head CT with intravenous contrast?


Question 1686

An incidental finding is seen on this axial contrast-enhanced CT image. Which malignancy is this patient at increased risk of? 


Question 29

All of the following could be an underlying predisposing factor for this patient, EXCEPT...


Question 2626

What is the most likely diagnosis when encountering a bulky, circumferential, nonobstructive small bowel mass?


Question 2683

Which technetium-99 labeled tracer is used for the detection of foci of splenic tissue?


Question 2394

You are scanning a 45-year-old man and when getting a long-axis view of the testicle, this is the image you produce. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1808

An 80-year-old woman known for a chronic bone disorder with markedly elevated serum alkaline phosphatase. What is the most likely chronic bone disease shown on her lateral skull radiograph?


Question 2026

A 40-year-old man presented with a few days' history of left orbital pain and visual loss. An MRI was performed. What is the most likely diagnosis shown on this selected enhanced coronal T1 FS image?


Question 2611

Based on this T2 weighted fat sat image, what is the most likely diagnosis of this solitary solid splenic lesion?


Question 2899

A thin-walled unilocular cyst with homogeneous internal fluid density, without calcification and enhancing solid component is noted in the lower part of the spleen, as an incidental finding in a 50-year-old female patient who worked up for abdominal pain. What is the most probable diagnosis?

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