2,365 results found

Fetal pericardial effusion

Fetal pericardial effusions occur when there is an accumulation of pericardial fluid in utero. In order to be considered abnormal, it is generally accepted that the pericardial fluid thickness should be >2 mm ref. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is at ~ 2% of pregnancies 8. Pathology As...

Fetal cardiomegaly

Fetal cardiomegaly (FC) refers to an enlarged fetal heart. It is variably defined with some sources stating the cut-off as a fetal cardio-thoracic circumference above two standard deviations 7.  Pathology It can arise from a number of situations: congenital cardiac anomalies: particularly tr...

Coronary arteries

The coronary arteries arise from the aortic sinuses immediately distal (superior) to the aortic valve and supply the myocardium of the heart with oxygenated blood. The arteries branch to encircle the heart covering its surface with a lacy network, perhaps resembling a slightly crooked crown. Gr...

Caseous calcification of the mitral annulus

Caseous calcification, liquefactive necrosis or ‘toothpaste tumor’ of the mitral annulus refers to a calcified cardiac mass and a rare variant of mitral annular calcification that is often misdiagnosed as a cardiac abscess or cardiac tumor. Epidemiology Caseous mitral annular calcification is ...

Rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease (not to be confused with rheumatoid heart disease) may refer to either the acute cardiac involvement or chronic cardiac sequelae following rheumatic fever. Carditis is a major Revised Jones criterion of rheumatic fever. Epidemiology Risk factors include: socioeconomic ...

Kartagener syndrome - pediatric

  Diagnosis certain
Noelani Silverio Gonzales
Published 20 May 2022
94% complete

Pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular septum

  Diagnosis almost certain
Henry Knipe
Published 04 Feb 2016
75% complete

Decompression syndrome in SCUBA diver

Ahmed Elowaidy
Published 14 Aug 2019
58% complete

Pneumopericardium post pericardial drainage

  Diagnosis almost certain
Maxime St-Amant
Published 10 Jul 2012
54% complete

Separate origin of right coronary and conus arteries: normal variant

  Diagnosis not applicable
Sachin Pathak
Published 15 Feb 2011
35% complete
Annotated image

Primary cardiac tumors

Primary cardiac tumors are uncommon and comprise only a small minority of all tumors that involve the heart: most are mediastinal or lung tumors that extend through the pericardium and into the heart, or metastases 1. Epidemiology Primary cardiac tumors have an estimated autopsy prevalence of ...

Behçet disease

Behçet disease is a multisystemic and chronic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown etiology. Epidemiology The mean age at which Behçet disease occurs is 20-30 years. The disease is most prevalent in the Mediterranean, Middle East and East Asia. It is rarely reported in Europe. The highest incide...

Wearable cardiac defibrillator

  Diagnosis certain
Ria Gwalani
Published 22 Jun 2021
94% complete

Aberrant right subcvlavian artery - MR angiography

  Diagnosis certain
Roberto Schubert
Published 08 May 2011
80% complete

MacCallum's patch - rheumatic heart disease

  Diagnosis almost certain
Abdallah Al Khateeb
Published 16 Mar 2022
80% complete
X-ray CT

Eosinophilic endocarditis

Eosinophilic endocarditis, also known as Löffler (Loeffler) endocarditis, is one of the cardiac manifestations of idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. It is also considered a form of cardiomyopathy. Epidemiology There is limited information on the incidence of eosinophilic endocarditis. The ...

Drug and toxin induced pulmonary hypertension

Drug and toxin induced pulmonary hypertension is one of the causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension. It falls under group 1.3 under the Dana point classification system of pulmonary hypertension.  Pathology A wide range of different drugs have been associated with developing pulmonary hypert...

Pulmonary edema

  Diagnosis certain
Andrew Dixon
Published 04 May 2015
88% complete

Thoracic aortic stent

  Diagnosis almost certain
Ian Bickle
Published 25 Jul 2014
69% complete

Ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia is a type of ventricular arrhythmia with at least three consecutive ventricular beats occurring at greater than 100 beats per minute. If left untreated, ventricular tachycardia can lead to ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest. Epidemiology  Ventricular tachycardi...

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