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Search results for “COPD”

756 results found

Subacute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

Subacute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (previously known as chronic necrotizing aspergillosis or semi-invasive aspergillosis) is subacute to chronic localized and indolent form of invasive aspergillosis. It is also sometimes grouped under the term chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Epidemiolog...


Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease characterized by decreased bone mass and skeletal fragility. The World Health Organization (WHO) operationally defines osteoporosis as a bone mineral density T-score less than -2.5 SD (more than 2.5 standard deviations under the young-adult mean), which ...


Bronchiectasis (plural: bronchiectases) is defined as an irreversible abnormal dilatation of the bronchial tree. It has a variety of underlying causes, with a common etiology of chronic inflammation. High-resolution CT is the most accurate modality for diagnosis. Epidemiology As there are many...

Tobacco use

Tobacco use, most commonly by smoking cigarettes, is a drug habit of many throughout the world. It is a significant risk factor for many malignancies, and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and is a major cause of premature mortality throughout the world. Epidemiology The World Health Org...


For a quick reference guide, please see our COVID-19 summary article. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease-2019) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a strain of coronavirus. The first cases were seen in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 before ...

Medical abbreviations and acronyms (C)

This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronyms that start with the letter C and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep both the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order). A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q...


Bronchitis (plural bronchitides) refers to inflammation of large airways (i.e. bronchi). Terminology It is considered a generic term referring to inflammation of the bronchial wall, representing the common final response of the airways to various irritants 3. Types This may be acute or chron...

Thoracic air leak syndrome

Thoracic air leak syndrome (TALS) is an uncommon late complication in allogeneic haematopoetic stem cell transplant recipients with chronic graft versus host disease. Thoracic air leakage refers to spontaneous pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, pneumopericardium, and/or interstitial emphysema. The...

Ginkgo leaf sign (disambiguation)

The ginkgo leaf sign can refer to: ginkgo leaf sign (chest) of chest wall surgical emphysema ginkgo leaf sign (spine) of spinal meningioma

Anderson triad

The Anderson triad consists of the clinical findings of tachypnea and abdominal rigidity with lower thoracic or epigastric pain, associated with subcutaneous emphysema, which is usually related to esophageal rupture. 

Pumice stone sign

The pumice stone sign describes the distinctive imaging appearance of emphysematous osteomyelitis on CT described as clusters of greater than 3 distinct foci of intramedullary gas with irregularly irregular sizes ranging between 2 and 5 mm with resemblance to surface appearance of pumice stone. ...

Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome

Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) is an airway inflammatory condition often defined as the sudden onset of asthma-like symptoms following high-level exposure to an agent such as corrosive gas, vapor, or fumes. Some publications suggest this a subset or variant of asthma 2-3. Patients...

Increased retrosternal airspace

Increased retrosternal airspace is an indicator of hyperinflation of the lungs and is usually due to emphysema. The thickness of the space between the ascending aorta and the posterior margin of the sternum (3 cm inferior to the sternomanubrial joint) and is normally no more than 2.5 cm 1 altho...

Westermark sign

Westermark sign is a sign of pulmonary embolus seen on chest radiographs. It is one of several described signs of pulmonary embolus on chest radiographs. Pathology The theory behind the sign is either obstruction of the pulmonary artery or distal vasoconstriction in hypoxic lung 3. In one stu...

Subpleural pulmonary bullae

Subpleural pulmonary bullae are a location-specific descriptive term to describe pulmonary bullae occurring in subpleural locations. Many are considered to represent regions of paraseptal emphysema where the emphysematous spaces are greater than 1 cm in diameter 1. They may or may not contain se...

Localized pulmonary emphysema

Localized pulmonary emphysema is not a commonly used term but generally used to describe pulmonary emphysema confined to a particular location within the lung (may involve a lobe, segment or subsegment). It has also been used to describe focal areas of enlargement or destruction of air spaces wi...

Bronchial hyperresponsiveness

Bronchial hyperresponsiveness or airway hyperresponsiveness consists of an increased sensitivity of the airways to an inhaled constrictor agonist. It has been described as a characteristic feature of asthma and has also been known to occur in association with other factors such as indexed body m...

Late-onset asthma

Late-onset asthma (LOA) is a form of asthma that precipitates in the adult or the elderly.  Epidemiology The estimated age- and sex-adjusted incidence of newly diagnosed asthma in people older than 65 years at around 0.1% per year 1. There may be a greater female predilection. Pathology From...

Pulmonary arterial atherosclerosis

Pulmonary artery atherosclerosis is less common than systemic arterial atherosclerosis in the thorax.  It has been shown to correlate with the following factors  age right ventricular dilatation right ventricular hypertrophy pulmonary emphysema aortic atherosclerosis pulmonary hypertensio...

Salla disease

Salla disease, also known as Finnish type sialuria, is a rare autosomal recessive disease that primarily affects the central nervous system. It is considered the mildest form of free sialic acid storage disorder. Clinical presentation Neurological symptoms related to this rare disease are usua...

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