Search results for “abdominal ct ”

584 results found

Pancreas transplant

A pancreas transplant is a major surgical procedure in which a donor pancreas is transplanted into a recipient. The donor pancreas is typically cadaveric, but may rarely be a segment from a living donor 1. The transplant is meant to establish normoglycemia in patients with diabetes mellitus, typ...

Testicular dislocation

Testicular dislocation is a rare condition in which a testis is dislocated from its normal position within the scrotum to another location, most commonly the superficial inguinal pouch. Epidemiology The condition mainly occurs in younger men with a mean age of 25 years 2. Clinical presentatio...

Complications following gastric banding

There are many complications that can occur following gastric banding. It is helpful to divide these into early and late post-surgical complications. Clinical presentation Although the exact mode of presentation can vary depending on the underlying complication common modes of presentation tha...


Omphaloceles, also known as exomphalos (rare plural: exomphali), are congenital midline abdominal wall defects at the base of the umbilical cord insertion, with herniation of gut (or occasionally other structures) out of the fetal abdomen. Epidemiology The estimated occurrence can be up to 1:4...

Petersen hernia

Petersen hernias are internal hernias which occur in the potential space posterior to a gastrojejunostomy. This is herniation of intestinal loops through the defect between the small bowel limbs, the transverse mesocolon, and the retroperitoneum, after any type of gastrojejunostomy. The laparosc...


The term trauma (plural: traumas) or traumatic injury refers to damage or harm of sudden onset caused by external factors or forces requiring medical attention. Polytrauma or multiple trauma has been defined as a pattern of potentially life-threatening injuries involving at least two body regio...


Hepatomegaly refers to an increase in size or enlargement of the liver.  Pathology Etiology Hepatomegaly can result from a vast range of pathology including, but not limited to, the following: malignancy/cellular infiltrate multiple metastases lymphoma(s) leukemia(s) hepatocellular carci...

Cisterna chyli

The cisterna chyli (CC) (plural: cisternae chyli), also known as the receptaculum chyli, is a normal anatomical structure in the lymphatic system. It is seen as a saccular area of dilatation in the lymphatic channels that are located in the retrocrural space, usually to the immediate right of th...

Skeletal muscle metastases

Skeletal muscle metastases are uncommon compared to other sites and are generally seen in the context of widespread metastatic disease.  Epidemiology Post-mortem rates of skeletal metastases vary between 0.03% and 17% 1.  Clinical presentation Most commonly asymptomatic 2,3.  Pathology Com...

N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate pulmonary embolism

N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate pulmonary embolism is a potentially life-threatening complication that can arise following the use of the tissue glue, butyl-cyanoacrylate, for endoscopic sclerotherapy to treat variceal bleeding. Epidemiology Sclerosis with biological glue (butyl cyanoacrylate) is curr...

Round belly sign (abdominal compartment syndrome)

Round belly sign is a sign of increased abdominal pressure of greater than 20 mmHg in abdominal compartment syndrome where the abdomen has a rounded appearance of transverse section on CT, rather than its typical oval shape. The sign is positive when the AP to transverse diameter of the abdomen...

Aorto-left renal vein fistula

Aorto-left renal vein fistula is an extremely rare complication of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture. The initial clinical presentation is often non-specific, however, characteristic imaging findings, if recognized early, can lead to prompt diagnosis and assist in surgical planning.  Epidemiolo...

Iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis

Iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a thrombus in the iliac vein (common, external or internal) and/or common femoral vein obstructs the venous outflow from the lower limb leading to marked edema. DVT of the IVC or the more distal lower limb veins may also be present. Terminology...


Discectomy is the most common surgery for lower back pain performed for the treatment of disc herniations. It is often combined with other spinal procedures such as laminotomy or foraminotomy or artificial disc replacement and other forms of spinal fusion. Discectomy techniques can be generally ...

Steelpan sign (sigmoid volvulus)

The steelpan sign refers to the close resemblance of sigmoid volvulus on CT to the percussion instrument known as the steelpan. The steelpan, also known as steel drum or pan, is a Caribbean musical instrument invented in Trinidad and Tobago by the mid-1930s, which became very popular in Trinidad...

High-attenuation crescent sign

The high-attenuation crescent sign, also called the hyperdense crescent sign, represents an acute hematoma within either the mural thrombus or the aneurysm wall, especially when detected on unenhanced CT scans. It is a specific sign of impending abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) rupture or so-call...

Testicular cancer (staging)

The staging for testicular tumors is performed according to the TNM system with staging groupings. It can be remembered in its abbreviated form as:  stage I: confined to testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotum stage II: lymph nodes involved but no distant metastases and serum tumor markers...

Diaphragmatic rupture

Diaphragmatic rupture often results from blunt abdominal trauma. The mechanism of injury is typically a motor-vehicle collision. Epidemiology Given that the most common mechanism is motor vehicle collisions, it is perhaps unsurprising that young men are most frequently affected. The estimated ...

CT peritoneography

CT peritoneography is an examination used to assess difficulties with peritoneal dialysis.  Indications Recurrent peritonitis with difficulty with fluid exchange, abdominal wall or genital soft tissue edema, localized bulging of the abdomen, and poor ultrafiltration. Technique Before perform...

Neonatal aortic thrombosis

Neonatal aortic thrombosis is a rare life-threatening condition that can affect neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Epidemiology The incidence of neonatal aortic thrombosis is 0.2% of neonates admitted to the NICU. Risk factors umbilical arterial catheters (UAC): ~8...

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