1,821 results found

Question 1512

What structural abnormalities can reliably be detected at the 11-13 weeks scan?


Question 22

What is the most common location for an ectopic pregnancy?


Question 1427

A neonate with heart failure and intermittent tachyarrythmia is found to have severe right-sided cardiomegaly on chest X-ray carried out on day one of life. Echocardiography (and later cross-sectional imaging) demonstrates a tricuspid valve that is close to the apex of the heart, with a small right ventricle and a markedly enlarged right atrium.

Which one of the below medications may be associated with development of this condition?


Question 1505

What fetal radiation dose is considered the threshold for increased fetal anomalies according to the 2008 ACR guidelines?


Question 1506

Which of the following maternal injuries is NOT at increased risk due to the gravid uterus?


Question 2562

All the following may be considered as risk factors for tubo-ovarian abscess EXCEPT...



Craniorachischisis, also known as craniorachischisis totalis, is a rare birth defect and the most severe of the neural tube defects. It refers to the presence of both anencephaly and spina bifida. Epidemiology In one study the prevalence of craniorachischisis was 0.51 per 10,000 live births in...

Uterine arteriovenous malformation

  Diagnosis almost certain
Mohamed Salah Ayyad
Published 19 Mar 2024
83% complete
MRI Ultrasound

Question 3045

Which of the following is most likely to cause right heart dilatation?


Question 2489

The most common cause of primary postpartum hemorrhage is...


Question 2500

Which of the following is a unique feature of an extralobar bronchopulmonary sequestration?


Question 341

What is the main abnormality demonstrated on this coronal MRI image?


Question 191

In the pregnant trauma patient when is the uterus at most risk of injury? 


Question 531

Which of the following is correct regarding a normal antenatal Doppler ultrasound study?


Question 2506

Which ultrasound scanning plane is best for assessing the uterus for congenital anatomical abnormalities?


Question 981

Which of the following is NOT part of the Tetralogy of Fallot?


Question 21

The overall prevalence of ectopic pregnancy is 2%. In a patient with first trimester bleeding, however, the prevalence increases to


Question 2174

Regarding the evaluation of intertwin membrane. All of the following are correct EXCEPT...


Question 1090

Which article did Frank attach this image to? 


Question 2816

A 1-month-old baby has a renal ultrasound as part of the workup after a UTI. A solid renal lesion is discovered in the upper pole. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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