Items tagged “adrenal gland”

11 results found


Neuroblastomas are tumors of neuroblastic origin. Although they may occur anywhere along the sympathetic chain, the vast majority arise from the adrenal gland. They represent the most common extracranial solid childhood malignancy and are the third commonest childhood tumor after leukemia and b...

Adrenal lesions (differential)

Adrenal lesions cover a broad spectrum from benign to neoplastic entities. Due to increased use of cross-sectional imaging they are frequently detected as incidental lesions (incidentalomas). If found incidentally, please refer to the Management of Incidental Adrenal Masses: American College of ...

Neuroblastoma vs Wilms tumor

Both neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor occur in early childhood and typically present as large abdominal masses closely related to the kidneys. Distinguishing between the two is important, and a number of features are helpful. Neuroblastoma calcification very common: 90% encases vascular structur...

Congenital neuroblastoma

Congenital neuroblastoma is defined as neuroblastoma identified within a month of birth, and is divided into: fetal neuroblastoma neonatal neuroblastoma In most cases they present as stage 1, 2 or 4S (see neuroblastoma staging). Fetal neuroblastoma In 90% of cases, fetal neuroblastomas aris...


Pheochromocytomas are an uncommon tumor of the adrenal gland, with characteristic clinical, and to a lesser degree, imaging features. The tumors are said to follow a 10% rule: ~10% are extra-adrenal ~10% are bilateral ~10% are malignant ~10% are found in children ~10% are not associated wit...

Adrenal cortical carcinoma

An adrenal cortical carcinoma, also known as adrenocortical carcinoma, is a highly malignant but rare primary neoplasm of the adrenal gland. It may present as a hormonally active or inactive tumor.  Epidemiology Although men and women are affected equally, functioning tumors are more common in...

Adrenal gland tumors

Despite its small size, the adrenal gland is affected by a relatively large number of neoplastic entities: adrenal adenoma adrenal myelolipoma adrenal cortical carcinoma adrenal pheochromocytoma adrenal neuroblastoma adrenal sarcoma adrenal metastases See also adrenal lesions: for a mor...

Primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia

Primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia (PPNAD) is a rare benign adrenal condition characterized by ACTH-independent autonomous hypersecretion of cortisol, leading to Cushing syndrome.  Epidemiology PPNAD is often familial. Patients typically present as children or young adults, and there ...

Adrenal hemangioma

Adrenal hemangiomas are rare benign tumors that are usually incidentally identified (one example of an adrenal incidentaloma). Its significance mainly relates to the difficulty in differentiation from other malignant lesions.  Epidemiology Although these can be found at any age, they are most ...

Adrenal gland

The adrenal (suprarenal) glands (often shortened to just the adrenals) are paired organs of the endocrine system, often asymmetric in shape.  Gross anatomy The adrenal glands are located superior and anteromedial to the kidneys, within the perirenal space, and enclosed by perirenal fascia. Eac...

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, previously known as adrenogenital syndrome, is a group of seven autosomal recessive disorders relating to an enzyme deficiency affecting adrenal steroidogenesis. Epidemiology The incidence is highly variable depending on the enzyme deficiency, ranging from 1 in ...

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