Items tagged “appendicitis”

5 results found

Perforated appendix

A perforated appendix is one of the complications of acute appendicitis. When appendicitis is left untreated, necrosis (gangrene) of the appendiceal wall can occur and progress to a focal rupture. Epidemiology The rate of perforated appendix vary from 16% to 40%, with higher incidence in young...

Alvarado score

The Alvarado score (also known as the MANTRELS score) is a clinical decision rule and predictor of the likelihood of acute appendicitis. Criteria migration of pain to the right lower quadrant (+1 point) anorexia (+1 point) nausea or vomiting (+1 point) tenderness in the right lower quadrant...

APPEND score

The APPEND score is a clinical decision rule and predictor of the likelihood of acute appendicitis. Criteria Each of the following is worth 1 point 1: male gender anorexia migratory pain localized peritonism elevated CRP >15 mg/L neutrophilia >7.5x109/L APPEND refers to the mnemonic: A...

Pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator

The Pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator (pARC) is a clinical decision rule and predictor of the likelihood of acute appendicitis in pediatric patients.  Due to the non-categorical data of some variables within the criteria, an integrated calculator is required to use this tool. Criteria 1,2 ...

AIR score

Appendicitis Inflammatory Response (AIR) score is a scoring system developed to assist in diagnosis of acute appendicitis based on clinical and laboratory findings 1. Criteria vomiting (+1 point) right iliac fossa tenderness (+1 point) rebound tenderness light (+1 point), or medium (+2 poi...