Items tagged “anatomy”

383 results found

Snake eyes - facial nerve

  Diagnosis not applicable
Henry Knipe
Published 10 Oct 2013
39% complete
CT Annotated image

Snake eyes - dice (photo)

  Diagnosis not applicable
Henry Knipe
Published 10 Oct 2013
38% complete

Aberrant right subclavian artery

  Diagnosis certain
Shailender Singh N
Published 10 Oct 2013
74% complete


Prosencephalon (plural: prosencephala or prosencephalons) or forebrain is one of the primary divisions of neural tube.  Later the forebrain further separates into the telencephalon (cerebrum) and diencephalon (thalamus and related structures). At about 8 weeks of intrauterine life, the prosenc...

Coronal suture

The coronal suture is the cranial suture formed between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone. At the junction of coronal, sagittal and frontal sutures, the anterior fontanelle is located which is open at birth and usually fuses at around 18-24 months after birth. The junction of the coron...


The clavicle, also colloquially known as the collarbone, is the only bone connecting the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton and is the only long bone that lies horizontally in the human skeleton.  Gross anatomy Osteology The clavicle is roughly "S-shaped" with a flattened, concave, lateral...

Supernumerary kidney

Supernumerary kidneys, also known as accessory kidneys, are a rare congenital anomaly of the urogenital system, where there are one or two additional kidneys. Epidemiology Less than 100 cases have been documented in the medical literature. Associations Many conditions have been found to be a...

Sprengel deformity

  Diagnosis certain
Paul Simkin
Published 18 Oct 2013
75% complete

Azygos venous system anatomy (CT pulmonary angiography)

  Diagnosis not applicable
Henry Knipe
Published 16 Nov 2013
62% complete

Left ventricle

The left ventricle is one of four heart chambers. It receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the systemic circulation via the aorta. Gross anatomy The left ventricle is conical in shape with an anteroinferiorly projecting apex and is longer with thicker walls than the ...

Sectional cardiac anatomy (creative commons illustration)

  Diagnosis not applicable
Henry Knipe
Published 21 Dec 2013
29% complete

Cardiac plexus

The cardiac plexus is a network of autonomic nerves and ganglia situated at the base of the heart. It is formed by cardiac branches derived from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Gross anatomy Parasympathetic cardiac nerves reach the heart from the vagus nerve (cranial ...

Intercostal nerve

The intercostal nerves are the somatic nerves that arise from the anterior divisions of the thoracic spinal nerves from T1 to T11. These nerves in addition to supplying the thoracic wall also supply the pleura and peritoneum. Gross anatomy Intercostal nerves can be divided into atypical and ty...

Superior mediastinum

The superior mediastinum is an artificially divided wedge-shaped compartment of the mediastinum located between the thoracic plane inferiorly and the thoracic inlet superiorly. The inferior mediastinum, comprising of the anterior, middle, and posterior parts, lies inferiorly. Gross anatomy Bou...

Crossed renal ectopia

Crossed renal ectopia is said to be present when the kidney is seen in the opposite retroperitoneal space. It is more common for the left kidney to be ectopically located on the right side. More than 85% of these get fused resulting in crossed fused renal ectopia. Less than 15% cases are non-fus...

Posterior knee anatomy: Gray's anatomy illustration

  Diagnosis not applicable
Gray's Illustrations
Published 09 Jan 2014
29% complete

Inguinal ligament

The inguinal ligament (also known as Poupart's ligament or the fallopian ligament) is a fibrous band extending from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle. It is an important anatomical landmark and denotes the transition of the pelvis to the lower limb. Gross anatomy The ingu...

Pyramidalis muscle

The pyrimidalis muscle is a small paired triangular muscle of the lower anterior abdominal wall that is rudimentary and variably present in humans. Summary origin: pubic symphysis and pubic crest insertion: linea alba at the midway point between umbilicus and pubis innervation: ventral T12 s...

Rectouterine pouch

The rectouterine pouch (TA: excavatio rectouterina 3), also known as the rectovaginal pouch, cul-de-sac or pouch of Douglas, is an extension of peritoneum between the posterior wall of uterus and the rectum in females. It is the most dependent part of the peritoneal cavity and is analogous to th...

Fetal origin of the posterior cerebral artery

  Diagnosis certain
Dalia Ibrahim
Published 21 Jan 2014
59% complete

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