What are rPosters?
Radiopaedia rPosters are an educational exhibit of the annual Radiopaedia online conference. The official rPoster page can be found here.
Peer review
rPosters are user-submitted and peer-reviewed by an expert panel and belong to a sub-speciality category from this list:
- abdominal imaging
- breast imaging
- chest imaging
- head & neck imaging
- musculoskeletal imaging
- neuroradiology
- nuclear medicine
- obstetrics & gynecology
- pediatric imaging
- vascular and intervention
The peer review process involves expert reviewers assessing each poster against a numerical rubric assessing educational merit, validity and overall suitability for publication. The reviewers are blind to each other's scores. Scores are then assessed by an independent third party and ranked for consensus agreement.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
The 10 best posters are chosen for exhibition. Successful rPosters are assigned a DOI and live on as a permanent educational page on Radiopaedia.
Most outstanding rPoster
A special award certificate will be given to the most outstanding rPoster in each subspecialty, as determined by our senior editorial team using the scoring Rubric. A prize of a 12-month Radiopaedia All-Access Pass (or 12-month pass extension) will be given to authors of the most outstanding rPosters.
2024 rPosters
Individual pages can be viewed on the 2024 rPoster page. The most outstanding rPosters included:
- A Beginner's Guide To: Perianal Fistulas
- Cerebellopontine Angle Pathologies: It's the SAME Thing>
- Cystic Breast Lesions On Ultrasonography: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
- Doppler Ultrasound In Vascular Erectile Dysfunction
- Finding And Staging Neuroblastoma
- The Diaphragm: What The Radiologist Needs To Know?
- The Hot Topic - Technetium 99m Pertechnetate Imaging In Hyperthyroidism
- Occipital Vertebrae: Fracture Mimics At The Craniovertebral Junction
- Ossicles In 3D: Understanding The Ossicular Chain
- Placental Invasion! What You Need To Know About Placenta Accreta Spectrum
2023 rPosters
Individual pages can be viewed on the 2023 rPoster page. The most outstanding rPosters included:
- Approach to mosaic attenuation
- Breast calcifications: benign or malignant?
- Discal hernia for beginners
- FDG PET imaging of vasculitis
- Hepatic adenomas - sorting the good from the bad
- Imaging of the placenta: is it in the right place?
- Lucent lesions of the mandible: a pictorial review
- Posterior fossa tumors in children: radiographics & radiogenomics
- The six syndromes of the sixth cranial nerve
- Vascular malformations - just go with the flow