Parinaud syndrome

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Parinaud syndrome, also known as the dorsal midbrain syndrome, is a supranuclear vertical gaze disturbance caused by compression of the tectal plate. This is most frequently due to a posterior commissure or pineal region mass (typically solid tumours rather than pineal cysts). 

It is characterised by a classic triad of findings:

  • a deficiency in upward gaze palsy, often manifesting as diplopia
  • pupillary light-near dissociation (pupils respond to near stimuli, but not light)
  • convergence-retraction nystagmus

It's importance lies in that recognition of Parinaud syndrome localises pathology to impingement of on origin in the tectal plate, most frequently due to a posterior commissure or pineal region mass (typically solid tumours rather than pineal cysts).

History and etymology

Named after Henry Parinaud, a French ophthalmologist (1844-1905).

  • -<p><strong>Parinaud syndrome</strong>, also known as the<strong> dorsal midbrain syndrome</strong>, is a supranuclear vertical gaze disturbance caused by compression of the <a href="/articles/tectal-plate">tectal plate</a>. This is most frequently due to a <a href="/articles/posterior-commisure">posterior commissure</a> or <a href="/articles/pineal-region-mass">pineal region mass</a> (typically solid tumours rather than pineal cysts). </p><p>It is characterised by:</p><ul>
  • -<li>a deficiency in upward gaze</li>
  • +<p><strong>Parinaud syndrome</strong>, also known as the<strong> dorsal midbrain syndrome</strong>, is a supranuclear vertical gaze disturbance caused by compression of the <a href="/articles/tectal-plate">tectal plate</a>.</p><p>It is characterised by a classic triad of findings:</p><ul>
  • +<li>upward gaze palsy, often manifesting as diplopia</li>
  • -</ul><h4>History and etymology</h4><p>Named after <strong>Henry Parinaud</strong>, a French ophthalmologist (1844-1905).</p>
  • +</ul><p>It's importance lies in that recognition of Parinaud syndrome localises pathology to impingement of on origin in the tectal plate, most frequently due to a <a href="/articles/posterior-commisure">posterior commissure</a> or <a href="/articles/pineal-region-mass">pineal region mass</a> (typically solid tumours rather than pineal cysts).</p><h4>History and etymology</h4><p>Named after <strong>Henry Parinaud</strong>, a French ophthalmologist (1844-1905).</p>

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