The acetabulum (plural: acetabula) is the large cup-shaped cavity on the anterolateral aspect of the pelvis that articulates with the femoral head to form the hip joint.
Gross anatomy
All three bones of the pelvis (the ilium, ischium, and pubis) together form the acetabulum. The three bones are initially separated by a Y-shaped triradiate cartilage that begins to fuse after puberty. The fusion is complete between 20 and 25 years of age 1.
The acetabular margin forms three quarters of a circle with a deficiency located anteroinferiorly called the acetabular notch. This depression is bridged with the transverse ligament of the hip, completing the circle and creating the acetabular foramen.
The acetabular floor has a rough depression called the acetabular fossa that hosts the ligamentum teres. The acetabular fossa extends superiorly from the acetabular notch.
The flat bone of acetabulum medial to the acetabular fossa is called the quadrilateral plate and occupies the space between the anterior and posterior columns 2.
The lip-shaped acetabular labrum is a fibrocartilaginous structure attached to the margin of the acetabulum, increasing the acetabular articular area. As a result, more than half of the femoral head fits within the acetabulum.
Column principle
The column principle divides the acetabulum into the anterior and posterior columns and becomes important when considering acetabular fractures and their management.
The anterior column is composed of the anterior ilium, anterior wall and dome of the acetabulum, and superior pubic ramus.
The posterior column is composed of the greater and lesser sciatic notches, posterior wall and dome of the acetabulum, and ischial tuberosity.
The quadrilateral plate has been variably included as a structure in either the anterior or posterior columns, or defined as an accessory structure or called the third column 2.
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Anatomical variants
History and etymology
The term acetabulum means vinegar-cup and is derived from the Latin root acetum for vinegar.