
Last revised by Rohit Sharma on 9 Aug 2023

Acrodysotosis, also known as Arkless-Graham syndrome, Maroteaux-Malamut syndrome or acrodysplasia, is a rare genetic disorder affecting bone growth.

The true incidence is not known. There is no known gender predilection. The condition is often detected in early childhood.

  • small feet and hands with stubby digits

  • short stature secondary to shortening of long bones

  • abnormal spine curvature with risk of lumbago or neuropathic pain

  • unusually small nose; flattened nasal bridge

  • underdeveloped jaw

  • ocular hypertelorism

  • low set ears

  • prominent mandible

It is caused by sporadic mutations/pathogenic variants of:

  • PRKAR1A (type 1)

  • PDE4D (type 2)

It is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion with most cases occurring sporadically in the family due to new mutation/variation.

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