Annotations are a feature of cases and allow important features on images to be annotated and linked to the text in the findings.
On this page:
Creating annotations
The ability to create an annotation is available in a case's "Edit text and annotations" mode.
To create a new annotation:
go to the image you want to annotate
select the text you wish to link to the annotation
click the arrow-plus icon in the toolbar
reposition and rotate the annotation as desired
reposition and change the caption as desired
An annotation can include more than one arrow, which is useful to outline a larger mass or structure, or multiple similar lesions. To do this, select the first arrow and click the two-arrow button in the radial menu. This will create a second arrow that will belong to the same annotation.
Similarly, you can propagate an annotation over multiple slices using up and down icons in the radial menu. When doing so, you should choose one of the arrows to the "key"; this will determine which slice the stack will jump to when the text link is clicked.
Annotation labels
Annotation labels play a crucial role by providing clear, concise information to our readers, so it is important to ensure these labels are helpful:
when creating a label, all highlighted text becomes a label; however, labels have a character limit, and long text selections may be truncated, rendering them unhelpful
annotations can be played without the findings text displayed, it is essential that the annotation labels make sense when viewed alone
Best practice is to ask yourself: "If I were to see this annotation and label without the findings text, would it communicate the essential details?"
Deleting annotations
To delete the whole annotation, you can use the arrow-x icon in the toolbar. You can delete individual arrows using the trashcan icon in the radial menu. Deleting the last arrow will delete the annotation.
The standard required for a well annotated case: