Anosmia (also known as anosphresia or olfactory anaesthesia) is the complete absence of the sense of smell.
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In addition to anosmia, there is also hyposmia (a.k.a. microsmia or olfactory hypoaesthesia) representing a diminished sense of smell and parosmia (a.k.a. dysosmia or paraosmia) referring to any pathology of the olfactory system 1,5. Phantosmia is the experience of a smell being present without an actual stimulus, i.e. an olfactory hallucination 5. For completion, normosmia is the state of having normal olfactory function.
It is estimated that the point prevalence of an impaired sense of smell is as much as 19.1% adult population and four-fifths of over 75-year-olds 2.
The underlying causes of anosmia have been traditionally subdivided into 2,5:
conductive: an obstruction to the passage of odorants, or
sensorineural: dysfunction of the olfactory neurones or olfactory nerve (I)
central: dysfunction of the olfactory processing systems of the CNS
rhinosinusitis +/- sinonasal polyposis
recreational drugs, e.g. cocaine
systemic pathologies with olfactory complications, e.g. granulomatosis with polyangiitis
postoperative, e.g. nasal surgery
medications, e.g. antibiotics (aminoglycosides, penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines), amino ester anaesthetics (e.g. procaine), propylthiouracil
viral infections, e.g. coronaviruses
neurological disease
bipolar disorder
head injury
intracranial lesions, e.g. olfactory meningioma
toxins, e.g. heavy metals, solvents (e.g. toluene, ammonia, benzene)
genetic or malformative, e.g. arhinencephaly or Kallmann syndrome
It is increasingly clear that this anatomical approach to the aetiology of olfactory dysfunction is limited, and ultimately unhelpful, as underlying diseases, e.g. chronic rhinosinusitis, may cause loss of smell via both obstructive and neural mechanisms 5.
History and etymology
Anosmia is derived from Classical Greek roots. "οσμη" (osme) means an aroma/scent, and "αν" (an) is a prefix used to indicate negation 4.