Anterior right subhepatic space

Last revised by Daniel J Bell on 2 Aug 2021

The anterior right subhepatic space is a potential space between the inferior surface of the right lobe of the liver and the transverse colon.

Gross anatomy

The anterior right subhepatic space is separated from Morison’s pouch (also known as the posterior right subhepatic space) by the transverse mesocolon, both are subcompartments of the right supramesocolic space.


The anterior right subhepatic space is continuous laterally with the right subphrenic space, inferiorly with the right paracolic gutter and posteriorly with Morison’s pouch.

Related pathology

  • free peritoneal fluid, such as ascitic fluid or blood, can collect in the anterior right subhepatic space and is detectable by ultrasound or computed tomography 1

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