Augmented glenoid implants in shoulder artroplasthy

Last revised by Domenico Nicoletti on 4 Jan 2023

Augmented glenoid implants in shoulder arthroplasty are used for glenohumeral osteoarthritis with Walch type B2 and B3 glenoid morphology, which are characterised by humeral head posterior subluxation 1-3.

Shoulder replacement with augmentation of the glenoid implant allows for:

  • decreases medialization of the joint line

  • preserved biomechanical length-tension relationships resulting in optimal muscle function and joint stability

Planning CT study with computer-assisted surgical techniques such as 3-dimensional planning software, to assess glenoid version, configuration, available bone stock for placing a prosthesis and patient-specific guides.


Immediate postoperative radiograph to exclude complications such as glenohumeral dislocation or periprosthetic fracture.

Follow-up imaging as a baseline study to which all future studies are compared to, is performed at 3–6 weeks after surgery and include true anteroposterior (AP) or Grashey view, axillary and scapular Y views.

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