
Changed by Raymond Chieng, 16 Apr 2024
Disclosures - updated 18 Aug 2023: Nothing to disclose

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Babygram is a radiograph that captures the newborn's entire body, including limbs. Alternatively, it may only capture the chest and abdomen.


Babygram is done in AP and lateral views in post-mortem studies of the stillborn foetus or after the termination of pregnancy due to gross congenital anomalies 1.

Babygram is also used to determine the line positions of umbilical venous and umbilical arterial catheters2.

The study also screens premature infants for lung surfactant deficiency and necrotising enterocolitis 3.

  • +<p><strong>Babygram </strong>is a radiograph that captures the newborn's entire body, including limbs. Alternatively, it may only capture the chest and abdomen.</p><h4>Indications</h4><p>Babygram is done in AP and lateral views in post-mortem studies of the stillborn foetus or after the termination of pregnancy due to gross congenital anomalies <sup>1</sup>.</p><p>Babygram is also used to determine the line positions of umbilical venous and <a href="/articles/umbilical-arterial-catheters" title="Umbilical arterial catheters">umbilical arterial catheters</a> <sup>2</sup>.</p><p>The study also screens premature infants for lung surfactant deficiency and necrotising enterocolitis <sup>3</sup>.</p>
Type was set to Article.
Status was set to published.
Author was set to 264859.
Share Token was set to 18b4e3df81d9c4f650748e60fd838525.
Published At was set to 2024-04-16T03:13:16.116Z.

References changed:

  • 1. W. M. Klein, S. Franken, C. Marcelis. What is the Diagnostic Value of the Babygram? European Congress of Radiology - ECR 2012. 2012. <a href=""></a>
  • 2. E.M. Chung, R Krishnamuthy. Reducing the Number of Inappropriate Babygrams performed in the NICU. <a href="">Radiology Society of North America.</a>

Sections changed:

  • Radiography

Systems changed:

  • Paediatrics

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Type was set to PrimaryLink.
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