Biographical articles about individuals have a unique structure and subheadings.
The introduction should take the following structure:
name of individual in bold
use their first name and last name e.g. Robert Smith
only use additional names in the introduction if they are familiarly known by that additional name e.g. Sebastian Gilbert Scott
otherwise any additional names should be included as initials in the introduction and expanded in the early life section
Wilhelm C Roentgen or C Thurstan Holland in the introduction
initials stand alone without a following full stop/period
initials are not separated by spaces when there is more than one e.g. AB Smith, not A B Smith
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen or Charles Thurstan Holland in the Early Life section
if their familiar name differs from their formal name then provide the familiar form in quotes between the first and last names
e.g. Benjamin “Benny” Felson
years of birth +/- death
not precise dates
not emboldened
enclosed in opening and closing round brackets
e.g. Benjamin “Benny” Felson (1913-1988)
not "(21 October 1913 - 22 October 1988)"
precise dates may be provided in the main text of the article
we expect dates to be in style, e.g. 21 October 1913, see our style article on dates for more details
if precise year(s) of birth and/or death are not known, then the abbreviation "fl." can be employed
fl. stands for floruit, Latin for "flourished"
fl. is inserted before the year(s), of when there is irrefutable citable evidence, that they were alive e.g. John Smith (fl. 1903-1953)
fl. can also be used for people who are still alive, e.g. John Smith (fl. 2019) at the time of writing
summarise their main achievements in a few lines
It is intended that the remainder of the article be presented in chronological order (earliest to latest); this equally applies to lists within sections.
On this page:
Early life
Not limited to, but may include:
full name at birth
not emboldened
precise date and place of birth
undergraduate and medical school
radiology residency/training
specialist and academic appointments
notable publications/books
appointments e.g. President of specialist societies, Colleges, editorships
Development/invention/discovery of ‘x’
describes in detail the background to their inventions, discoveries, developments, description of signs, etc.
e.g. for Godfrey Hounsfield, the development of CT
Later life
Not limited to, but may include:
awards, honorary degrees, named orations
specialist and academic appointments
notable publications/books
appointments e.g. President of specialist societies, Colleges, editorships
personal relationships – marriage/children
precise date and place of death
Sometimes, it is useful to have this subheading for those with lots of awards, prestigious appointments, honorary degrees, etc., with years of attainment in round brackets at the end of the bullet point.
A bulleted, chronologically-ordered list (earliest to latest) of what they are primarily remembered for
development of a modality, radiographic signs, founding of a journal or society
See also
related articles that have not already been hyperlinked elsewhere in the article
please review our general guide to using references on
many pioneers in radiology and related fields have had peer-reviewed obituaries written about their life and legacy
try to avoid referencing, Wikipedia or similar websites, many of the articles are unreferenced
they can be good starting points if you want a brief overview of their life before one looks for primary sources
photograph of the individual, see adding an image to an article