The Boston criteria are a set of screening criteria used to determine when CT angiography of the neck is indicated to detect blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) in patients presenting following trauma. The criteria was formed by a group at the Boston Medical Centre 1 and are very similar to the modified Denver criteria.
It is not to be confused with the Boston criteria for cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
Screening criteria
The screening criteria for BCVI are grouped into two tiers:
Tier 1
Tier 1 criteria are those for which CTA screening should be performed upon presentation:
cervical spine injury (spinal cord or ligaments)
soft tissue injury to anterior neck with swelling, ecchymosis, haematoma, and/or bruit
significant neurologic deficit: lateralising neurologic deficit, transient ischaemic attack, Horner syndrome
evidence of stroke on CT
Tier 2
Tier 2 criteria are those for which CTA screening should be performed within the first 24-48 hours from presentation:
complex facial fractures with midface instability
combined significant head and chest trauma
seat-belt abrasions on neck
other unexplained neurological deficits: vertigo, tinnitus or GCS <6