Brasfield scoring system

Last revised by Ciléin Kearns on 4 May 2024

The Brasfield scoring system is a scoring system for patients with cystic fibrosis based on scoring conventional chest radiograph findings 1. It has good correlation with pulmonary function 2.

Points are assigned in five categories:

Air trapping (0-4)

Definition: generalized pulmonary overdistension (sternal bowing, depression of diaphragms, or thoracic kyphosis).

  • 0: absent

  • 1-4: for increasing severity, 4 being most severe

Linear markings (0-4)

Definition: Linear opacification due to prominence of bronchi; may be seen as parallel line densities, branching, or “end-on” circular densities (bronchial wall thickening)

  • 0: absent

  • 1-4: for increasing severity, 4 being most severe

Nodular cystic lesions (0-4)

Definition: multiple discrete rounded densities ≥0.5 cm in diameter, with either radiopaque or radiolucent centers (bronchiectasis); does not refer to irregular linear markings; confluent nodules not classified as large lesions.

  • 0: absent

  • 1, 2, 3, or 4: for involvement of 1, 2, 3, or 4 quadrants

Large lesions (0, 3, or 5)

Definition: segmental or lobar atelectasis or consolidation, includes acute pneumonia.

  • 0: absent

  • 3: segmental or lobar atelectasis and pneumonia

  • 5: large lesions

General severity (0-5)

Definition: impression of overall severity of changes on chest x-ray

  • 0: normal

  • 1-4: increasing severity for increasing severity of abnormalities

  • 5: cardiac enlargement or pneumothorax


Starting at 25, the points assigned to each category are subtracted to give a final score. The lower the score, the greater the disease severity. Therefore, a score of 25 is a normal exam, and a score of 3 (the minimum possible) is the most severe disease.

See also
