Broca aphasia

Last revised by Rohit Sharma on 28 Feb 2024

Broca aphasia, also known as expressive aphasia or motor aphasia, is a type of non-fluent aphasia thought to be caused by injury (e.g. stroke) to Broca's area and the surrounding frontal fields 1,2, although there is controversy regarding the exact localization that leads to Broca aphasia 3.

Clinical presentation

Broca aphasia has classic effects on speech 1,2:

  • fluency: non-fluent and effortful speech with agrammatism

  • comprehension: relatively preserved with only mild impairments of complex comprehension

  • repetition: impaired

  • naming: impaired

Differential diagnosis

  • transcortical motor aphasia: shares clinical features of Broca aphasia but has preserved repetition 1,2

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