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Weerakkody Y, Knipe H, Meeker L, et al. Bronchocentricity. Reference article, (Accessed on 25 Jan 2025)
At the time the article was last revised Henry Knipe had the following disclosures:
- Micro-X Ltd, Shareholder (past)
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Bronchocentricity or bronchocentric distribution describes a process in the lungs that is adjacent to or involving the bronchi 4 (or bronchioles). The term centrilobular is commonly used for peribronchiolar disease. Because of the parallel relationship of bronchi and pulmonary arteries these processes are also related to the bronchovascular bundles (i.e. peribronchovascular) but predominate around bronchi rather than the arteries.
Certain processes that may have this tendency include
Certain processes that may have an aversion for this tendency include
See also
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