Centrilobular lung nodules

Changed by Joshua Yap, 20 Jul 2022
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Centrilobular lung nodules refer to a HRCT chest imaging descriptor for small 5-10 mm lung nodules which are anatomically located centrally within secondary pulmonary lobules. The term is applied on the basis of location of the nodule and not its morphology, that is they may be well-defined or poorly-defined ground glass in appearance. If extremely small they are termed centrilobular micronodules.



Centrilobular nodules can be observed in a wide variety of lung pathology. They are usually seen with bronchiolitis (i.e. with bronchiolar or peribronchiolar abnormalities). Specific conditions include:

When centrilobular nodules are interspersed with linear and branching densities, it is then termed a tree-in-bud pattern.

Radiographic features

HRCT chest

On HRCT chest, centrilobular nodules are typically found around the small airways and spare the subpleural surfaces. They are typically at least 5-10 mm away from the pleural surfaces ref.

See also

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  • +<a href="/articles/adenocarcinoma-in-situ-minimally-invasive-adenocarcinoma-and-invasive-adenocarcinoma-of-lung-1">lung adenocarcinoma</a> with airway spread</li>
  • -<a href="/articles/eosinophilic-granulomatosis-with-polyangiitis">Churg-Strauss syndrome</a> <sup>4</sup>
  • +<a title="Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA)" href="/articles/eosinophilic-granulomatosis-with-polyangiitis">eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA)</a> <sup>4</sup>
  • -</ul><p>When centrilobular nodules are interspersed with linear and branching densities, it is then termed a <a href="/articles/tree-in-bud-sign-lung">tree-in-bud pattern</a>.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><h5>CT</h5><h6>HRCT chest</h6><p>On <a href="/articles/hrct-chest-1">HRCT chest</a>, centrilobular nodules are typically found around the small airways and spare the subpleural surfaces. They are typically at least 5-10 mm away from the pleural surfaces <sup>ref</sup>.</p><ul><li><a href="/articles/small-pulmonary-nodules-hrct-chest-approach-1">small pulmonary nodules: HRCT chest approach </a></li></ul><h4>See also</h4><ul>
  • +</ul><p>When centrilobular nodules are interspersed with linear and branching densities, it is then termed a <a href="/articles/tree-in-bud-sign-lung">tree-in-bud pattern</a>.</p><h4>Radiographic features</h4><h5>CT</h5><h6>HRCT chest</h6><p>On <a href="/articles/hrct-chest-protocol">HRCT chest</a>, centrilobular nodules are typically found around the small airways and spare the subpleural surfaces. They are typically at least 5-10 mm away from the pleural surfaces <sup>ref</sup>.</p><ul><li><a href="/articles/small-pulmonary-nodules-hrct-chest-approach-1">small pulmonary nodules: HRCT chest approach </a></li></ul><h4>See also</h4><ul>

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