The MRI cervical spine protocol encompasses a set of MRI sequences for the routine assessment of the cervical spine.
Note: This article aims to frame a general concept of an MRI protocol for the assessment of the cervical spine. Protocol specifics will vary depending on MRI scanner type, specific hardware and software, radiologist and perhaps referrer preference, patient factors e.g. implants, specific indications and time constraints.
On this page:
The most common indications include 1,2:
disc herniation and radiculopathy
suspected spinal canal stenosis
spinal trauma, suspected cervical spine fractures, spinal epidural hematoma
inflammatory/autoimmune conditions
spinal infections such as spondylodiscitis, vertebral osteomyelitis, spinal epidural abscess etc.
congenital spinal malformations and spinal dysraphism
suspected complications of spinal surgery
follow up of findings on other examinations
1.5 vs 3 tesla
Examinations of the spine are generally done on both 1.5 and 3.0 tesla systems. Postoperative examinations in patients with metallic implants, however, should be done on 1.5 tesla with metal artifact reduction sequence (MARS). Some examinations might profit from the improved spatial and contrast resolution of 3 tesla.
Patient positioning
An MRI of the cervical spine is usually conducted with the patient in the supine position.
Technical parameters
head and neck coil
Scan geometry
in-plane spatial resolution: ≤0.7 x 0.7 mm
field of view (FOV): 200-240 (sagittal/coronal) 100-160 (axial)
slice thickness: ≤3mm 2-4
A typical MRI of the cervical spine might look as follows 1-4:
sagittal images:
angulation: parallel to the cervical spinal axis and the spinous processes
volume: includes the whole vertebral bodies and the facet joints, in a craniocaudal direction, should include the craniocervical junction up to the second thoracic vertebra
slice thickness: ≤3 mm
axial images (long stack):
angulation: perpendicular to the cervical spine
variable depends on the clinical question and/or the visible pathology
if clinical indication is generic, sufficient to include inferior half of C3 to superior half of T1
may acquire in upper and lower blocks depending on cervical curvature to ensure slices intersect perpendicularly with nucleus pulposus
slice thickness: ≤3 mm
coronal images*
angulation: parallel to the cervical spinal axis and transverse processes
volume: includes the posterior pharyngeal wall and the ligamentum nuchae
slice thickness: ≤3 mm
The mainstay in spinal imaging is T1 weighted and T2 weighted images.
The majority of MRIs of the cervical spine will be done for the evaluation of degenerative disc disease and do not require any contrast media, the latter is usually administered in the setting of tumors, infection and postoperative imaging such as suspected complications of spinal surgery. Depending on the exact indication the examination can be supplemented by several adjuncts 1-5.
Standard sequences
purpose: bone and/or soft-tissue characterization
technique: T1 fast spin echo
planes: sagittal, axial, coronal*
purpose: bone and/or soft-tissue characterization, detailed anatomy, including ligament and tendon anatomy
technique: T2 Dixon / T2 fast spin echo
planes: sagittal, axial, coronal*
T2-weighted (fat-saturated)
purpose: bone and soft tissue characterization, assessment of inflammatory changes, fractures
technique: STIR / T2 Dixon, T2 FS fast spin echo, T2 GRE
planes: sagittal, axial*
Optional sequences
chemical shift imaging*
purpose: tissue characterization of bone tumors and vertebral lesions
technique: T1 Dixon, T1 gradient-echo (GRE) in-phase (IP) and out-of-phase (OP)
planes: sagittal
phase-sensitive inversion recovery*
purpose: might improve detection of cord lesions in multiple sclerosis 1,6
technique: 3D PSIR
planes: sagittal
diffusion-weighted imaging*
purpose: evaluation of spinal cord ischemia, differentiation spondylodiscitis vs degenerative changes 3,7
technique: DWI/DTI
planes: sagittal
T1-weighted (fat-saturated)*
purpose: suspected vertebral artery dissection
technique: T1 Dixon, T1 gradient-echo
planes: axial, coronal*
Some indications might benefit from the application of contrast media such as e.g. inflammatory conditions, spinal tumors and suspected complications of spinal surgery.
T1-weighted C+ (fat-saturated)
purpose: for inflammatory conditions, suspected tumors
technique: T1 Dixon, T1 fast spin echo
planes: axial, sagittal
MR perfusion*
purpose: evaluation of tumors for their vascularization
technique: T1 GRE (DCE)
planes: sagittal or axial
(*) indicates optional planes or sequences
Practical points
the protocol can and should be tailored to the specific indication or clinical question
a basic native protocol will consist of 4 sequences
coronal images might be added for the evaluation of the atlantoaxial/atlantooccipital joint
nowadays fat saturation can be conveniently achieved by Dixon images
contrast administration is typically reserved for spinal tumors or spinal vascular malformations