Cor pulmonale refers to altered structure and function of the right ventricle due to chronic lung disease-related pulmonary hypertension (group 3). The mechanism involves hypoxic vasoconstriction which leads to permanent changes in the pulmonary vascular bed. Cor pulmonale generally progresses slowly, although acute onset or exacerbation can occur and may be fatal.
Some authors include pulmonary embolism and pulmonary arterial hypertension in the aetiology.
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Clinical presentation
The condition is under-diagnosed because symptoms occur late:
dyspnoea and hypoxaemia are disproportionate to the severity of lung disease
arterial oxygen decreases rapidly on exercise
exercise induces chest pain or syncope
jugular venous pressure is elevated and peripheral oedema develops
there are signs of pulmonary hypertension on auscultation and ECG
there is disproportion reduction in DLCO relative to severity of lung disease
main pulmonary enlarges on CT and peripheral arteries become attenuated
dominant R wave in lead V1 10
defined as an R wave height > 7 mm or R/S > 1
accompanied by dominant S waves in lead V6
right axis deviation
secondary repolarisation abnormalities
simultaneous involvement of the right precordium (V1-4) and inferior limb leads (II, III, aVF)
depressed ST segments with T wave inversion
The pulmonary vascular resistance, under normal circumstances, is one tenth that of the systemic arteries. Lung parenchymal changes (e.g COPD, fibrosis) resulting in chronic hypoxaemia stimulates smooth muscle proliferation within the pulmonary arteries, which in turn increases the pulmonary vascular resistance. This increases the strain on the right ventricle which has to pump against a greater pressure, resulting in its dilatation/hypertrophy 11.
acute respiratory distress syndrome: for acute cor pulmonale
Radiographic features
Plain radiograph
central pulmonary artery enlargement 7
changes consistent with the underlying pulmonary disease as outlined above
lung disease such as combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema
dilated main pulmonary artery
hypertrophied RV
dilated RV and RA
contrast medium reflux into dilated IVC and hepatic veins
horizontal blood/contrast medium level in the IVC indicates slow flow
May show dilatation of the right ventricular cavity or thickening of the right ventricular free wall 6.
Treatment and prognosis
Cor pulmonale generally carries a poor prognosis. Long-term oxygen therapy is often considered the main treatment option.
History and etymology
From the Latin, cor: 'heart', and pulmonale, 'relating to the lungs', ultimately from the Latin pulmo meaning 'lung'. Therefore 'heart secondary/relating to the lungs'.