Custom-made reverse shoulder arthroplasty

Last revised by Domenico Nicoletti on 30 Jan 2023

The customised glenoid prosthesis is a shoulder joint replacement that addresses glenoid osteoarthritis with severe glenoid bone loss.


Indications for custom-reverse implants are related to patient functional demand and remaining bone stock, not recommended in patients with reduced functional demand, and include:

  • sequelae of proximal humeral fractures treated with osteosynthesis with damaging of the glenoid articular surface due to extrusion or migration of fixation devices

  • prosthetic complications such septic or aseptic loosening of the glenoid component in anatomical or reverse shoulder arthroplasty with important loss of the glenoid bone stock

Radiographic features


Preoperative CT scans are analysed and reconstructed by computerised systems to determine the area and shape of the glenoid component fixation element of the implant.


Shoulder x-rays with anteroposterior and lateral views can be utilised as the initial study for postoperative review.

Signs of implant loosening:
  • radiolucent lines

  • scapular notching

  • prosthesis dislocation

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