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Fender L, Campos A, Murphy A, et al. Endometrial carcinoma protocol (MRI). Reference article, (Accessed on 22 Mar 2025)
A dedicated MRI protocol is crucial for accurate MRI evaluation of endometrial carcinomas.
The endometrial carcinoma protocol is optimally performed after 3 hours of fasting to reduce bowel peristalsis and following administration of an antiperistaltic agent unless contraindicated.
Supine position using a pelvic phased-array multi-coil 1.
- high resolution T2 weighted imaging in 3 orthogonal planes angled to the uterine cavity with further sequences angled to the cervix if cervical involvement is suspected
- slice thickness <4 mm
- FOV 25 cm
- high-resolution matrix
T1 weighted imaging of retroperitoneum to detect nodal involvement
- axial or coronal
- extended field of view (FOV)
- dynamic gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (small field of view): usually 2 planes (sagittal and axial oblique) or 3 planes to evaluate the extent of myometrial and cervical involvement 1,2
- optimal timing to detect myometrial invasion is approximately 2 minutes following contrast injection
See also
1. Manfredi R, Gui B, Maresca G et-al. Endometrial cancer: magnetic resonance imaging. Abdom Imaging. 30 (5): 626-36. doi:10.1007/s00261-004-0298-9 - Pubmed citation
2. Sala E, Wakely S, Senior E et-al. MRI of malignant neoplasms of the uterine corpus and cervix. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007;188 (6): 1577-87. doi:10.2214/AJR.06.1196 - Pubmed citation
3. Ascher SM, Reinhold C. Imaging of cancer of the endometrium. Radiol. Clin. North Am. 2002;40 (3): 563-76. - Pubmed citation
4. Shibutani O, Joja I, Shiraiwa M et al. Endometrial Carcinoma: Efficacy of Thin-Section Oblique Axial MR Images for Evaluating Cervical Invasion. Abdom Imaging. 1999;24(5):520-6. doi:10.1007/s002619900553 - Pubmed
5. K. Kinkel, R. Forstner, F. M. Danza, L. Oleaga, T. M. Cunha, A. Bergman, J. O. Barentsz, C. Balleyguier, B. Brkljacic, J. A. Spencer. Staging of endometrial cancer with MRI: Guidelines of the European Society of Urogenital Imaging. (2009) European Radiology. 19 (7): 1565. doi:10.1007/s00330-009-1309-6 - Pubmed
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