Focal adenomyosis

Last revised by Bahman Rasuli on 27 Aug 2023

Focal adenomyosis is a morphological subtype of adenomyosis.

Some authors regard this term synonymous with an adenomyoma.

It is considered less common than diffuse uterine adenomyosis 4.

Focal adenomyosis most commonly occurs at the fundal endometrial-myometrial interface 7

May be seen as a focal area of myometrial thickening. It may also present as a heterogeneous, mildly echogenic focal nodule with indistinct margins and cystic spaces 5. On color Doppler, tortuous vessels are typically seen coursing through the abnormality 7

It is typically seen as a localized, low-signal-intensity region within the myometrium on both T2-weighted and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted sequences 1. This region is often continuous with the junctional zone.

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