This article is aimed at new editors to assist them in getting started.
Editors support the senior and managing editors in the day-to-day content review and editorial projects. Everyone has a different amount of time to volunteer on Radiopaedia, but as a rule of thumb, at least a weekly contribution is expected.
On this page:
Editorial process
Every edit on Radiopaedia is listed on the all edits page, and its status as being reviewed is indicated by an up arrow, right arrow, or down arrow:
upvote: click the up arrow
"near-perfect" contribution
articles: no or minor editing required; fits within the style guide; correct spelling, grammar and punctuation; correctly referenced
cases: patient confidentiality and privacy maintained; correct diagnosis; correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
not to be used for minor edits (e.g. fixing a spelling mistake)
approve: click the right arrow
generally happy with the contribution, but there are some minor style guide issues (e.g. spelling, punctuation, style, capitalisation) that prevent it from being "near perfect"
downvote: click the down arrow
equivalent to a negative review
for every downvote, the user should be contacted, canned responses are available and/or write your own, explaining the reason and coaching them so that the user’s next edit is perfect
Karma score
The three little numbers to the right of a user’s name on the edits lists are their “karma score”, which indicates the net number of upvotes (+1) vs downvotes (-1) for A (article edits), C (case edits), and M (MCQ edits). An "approve" is neutral (0) and will not change the karma score.
A karma score of >+10 is required for edits to become automatically publicly published for any of the three categories. When the karma score in one of A, C, or M is ≤+10 it is in red, and when it is +11 or more it turns a light grey.
A karma score can only be seen by editors. Normal logged-in contributors cannot see it.
Common style guide errors
The style guide that has been developed at Radiopaedia is one deliberately chosen to ensure clarity, consistency and quality. Below are listed some of the most common errors that should be kept in mind when reviewing article edits and cases:
diagnostic certainty set at "Certain" instead of "Almost certain"
general spelling and punctuation issues
incorrect case title formatting: only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalised
including spaces before a comma / full stop (period) and double spacing after a full stop
capitalising the first letter and terminal punctuation of a bullet point
not following sentence case elsewhere in the case
incorrect headings and/or order (see: standard article structure)
incorrect referencing (see: references) including the in-line reference missing or after the punctuation
Practical points
do not moderate your own edits - this defeats the purpose of peer review
there is no need to change to/from UK or American spelling, this happens automatically
bookmark the all edits page so you can easily and quickly access it; one or two reviews a day makes a huge difference
if there is something that you are not sure about then escalate by messaging a senior or managing editor