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Abdrabou A, Murphy A, Glick Y, et al. Grading of brachial plexus injuries. Reference article, (Accessed on 07 Sep 2024)
According to CT myelography, brachial plexus injuries can be classified into six types 1:
N type: normal root sleeve and nerve roots
A1 type: slightly deformed root sleeves and nerve roots as compared to unaffected site
A2 type: obliteration of the tip of root sleeves and deformed thickened nerve root
A3 type: obliteration of the tip of root sleeves and absent nerve root
D type: root sleeve defect
M type: traumatic meningocele (avulsion pseudomeningocele) formation
Image and illustration examples for each of the types above are shown in Yoshikawa et al. 2006 2.
1. Nagano A, Ochiai N, Sugioka H et-al. Usefulness of myelography in brachial plexus injuries. J Hand Surg Br. 1989;14 (1): 59-64. Pubmed citation
2. Yoshikawa T, Hayashi N, Yamamoto S et-al. Brachial plexus injury: clinical manifestations, conventional imaging findings, and the latest imaging techniques. Radiographics. 2006;26 Suppl 1 (Supplement 1): S133-43. doi:10.1148/rg.26si065511 - Pubmed citation
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