The Greek alphabet has been used in science and mathematics for millennia. The alphabet has 24 letters with an order similar to the Latin alphabet (used for English and many European languages).
In the list, the name of the letter is given first, followed by the upper and lower case symbols 1.
- alpha (Α/α)
- beta (Β/β)
- gamma (Γ/γ)
- delta (Δ/δ)
- epsilon (Ε/ε)
- zeta (Ζ/ζ)
- eta (Η/η)
- theta (Θ/θ)
- iota (Ι/ι)
- kappa (Κ/κ)
- lambda (Λ/λ)
- mu (Μ/μ)
- nu (Ν/ν)
- xi (Ξ/ξ)
- omicron (Ο/ο)
- pi (Π/π)
- rho (Ρ/ρ)
- sigma (Σ/σ/ς *)
- tau (Τ/τ)
- upsilon (Υ/υ)
- phi (Φ/φ)
- chi (Χ/χ)
- psi (Ψ/ψ)
- omega (Ω/ω)
* uniquely, the letter sigma has a different symbol when it is the final letter in a word