Hepatic lymphoma is a term given to any form of hepatic involvement with lymphoma. This can be broadly divided into:
- secondary hepatic involvement with lymphoma: most common by far, many tend to be non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) 1
- primary hepatic lymphoma: extremely rare
Risk factors for developing hepatic lymphoma:
- HIV/AIDS (25-46%)
- hepatitis C (HCV) mostly in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (15%)
- organ transplantation (2-12%)
- immunosuppression
Radiographic features
Many tend to present as focal liver lesions 2. It may be difficult to differentiate primary vs. secondary from analysis of the liver lesion alone (at the time of initial writing).
Lesions are reported to be hypoattenuating on CT 4.
Reported signal characteristics include 1,2:
- T1: hypointense (mild to moderate) relative to liver
- T2: hyperintense relative to liver
- C+ (Gd): transient increased perilesional enhancement is common