Hernia (general)
Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data
Bell D, Hacking C, Hernia (general). Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 28 Mar 2025) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-71235
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At the time the article was created Daniel J Bell had no recorded disclosures.
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Last revised:
At the time the article was last revised Daniel J Bell had no recorded disclosures.
View Daniel J Bell's current disclosures
3 times, by
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- Herniae (term)
- Hernias (term)
Hernias (or herniae) are a common pathological entity, in which an anatomical structure passes into an abnormal location via an opening.
The opening may be a normal physiological aperture (e.g. hiatus hernia: stomach passes through the diaphragmatic esophageal hiatus) or pathological. Iatrogenic herniae also occur, e.g. port site hernia, incisional hernia, etc.
Quiz questions
- 1. William Alexander Newman Dorland. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. (2018) ISBN: 9781416023647
Incoming Links
- Scarpa fascia hernia
- Hernial mesh and adynamic ileus
- Ureterosciatic hernia
- Muscle hernia
- Maydl's hernia (diagram)
- Congenital umbilical hernia
- Obstructed inguinal hernia
- Gallstone ileus within a hernia sac
- Giant hiatal hernia
- Morgagni hernia
- Bilateral superior lumbar hernia
- Indirect inguinal hernia (MRI)
- Incisional hernia
- Incisional hernia
- Canal of Nuck hernia containing ovary
- Bladder-containing indirect inguinal hernia
- Mesh repair of abdominal wall hernia
- Intraparietal hernia
Multiple choice questions:
Related articles: Terms used in radiology
- general
- ancillary
- Cinderella
- diagnosis of exclusion
- dilation vs dilatation
- epiphenomenon
- florid
- forme fruste
- gold standard
- heterogeneous vs heterogenous
- Hickam's dictum
- iatrogenic disease
- idiopathic
- in extremis
- natural history
- non-specific
- Occam's razor
- prodrome
- Saint's triad
- self-limiting
- sequela
- sine qua non
- status post
- subclinical disease
- syndrome
- radiology-specific
- pathology
- agenesis
- anlage
- aplasia
- apoptosis
- atresia
- atrophy
- cyst
- dehiscence
- diathesis
- diverticulum
- dyscrasia
- dysplasia
- exophytic
- fistula
- fluid collection
- granulation tissue
- hernia
- hyperplasia
- hypertrophy
- hypoplasia
- lamellated
- laminated
- malignancy
- metaplasia
- necrosis
- neoplasm
- phlegmon
- septum
- synechia
- trabecula
- chest
- epidemiology
- gastrointestinal
- genetics
- musculoskeletal
- oncology
Related articles: Hernias
anterior abdominal wall herniation
- epigastric hernia
- incisional hernia
- port site hernia
- interparietal hernia
- parastomal hernia
- paraumbilical hernia
- Spigelian hernia
- umbilical hernia
- miscellaneous
- Maydl hernia
- Richter hernia: contains only one wall of a bowel loop
lumbar hernias
- superior lumbar hernia
- inferior lumbar hernia
groin herniation
inguinal hernia
- direct inguinal hernia
- indirect inguinal hernia: five times commoner than direct
- pantaloon hernia (combined direct and indirect inguinal herniae)
- femoral hernia
- obturator hernia
inguinal hernia
- diaphragmatic herniation
internal herniation: an uncommon cause of bowel obstruction
- paraduodenal hernia: left and right
- lesser sac (foramen of Winslow) hernia
- pericaecal hernia
sigmoid mesocolon hernias
- intersigmoid hernia
- transmesosigmoid hernia
- intramesosigmoid hernia
small bowel mesentery internal hernia
- transmesenteric hernia
- intramesenteric hernia
- transomental hernia
- supravesical hernia
- pelvic internal hernia
- falciform ligament hernia
- internal hernia due to gastric bypass surgery
- Littre hernia: hernia containing a Meckel diverticulum
- pelvic hernia
- lung hernia
anterior abdominal wall herniation